Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Not now!

Battling the start of a cold. 

My aunt swears by zinc lozenges.  We will see. 

Going to bed early. 

Ron brought a 2 liter bottle of vodka in the house.  I found that very discouraging. 


Anonymous said...

"Ron brought a 2 liter bottle of vodka in the house. I found that very discouraging."

But not surprising, right?

Anonymous said...

Not a good sign for sure.
My dad just got diagnosedv with alcoholic dementia. Thirty years of drinking will do that. Family fighting over what to do with him.
Such a selfish thing to drink yourself into that state.

Anonymous said...

Your husband has a problem. God is a joke and a figment of the religious imagination. He does not exist and he did not take away your husbands problem as you boasted he did a few posts ago. I am sorry I really wish he did exist. I really wish that prayer could help people and make things better. The only benefit of prayer is the one who prays may feel some relief for a little while while they do it. Yet action from the person is what changes things not the actual prayer.

Heather Knits said...

To the last comment: God gives us free will. Ron made a choice.

Anonymous said...

Free will is a bunch of bull and and excuse. If we have free will why bother to pray?

Heather Knits said...

Well, I'm no theologian but I have never seen prayer as asking God for stuff. God's going to do what He's going to do regardless. I believe prayer puts us in the right frame of mind to accept God's will, if done "properly".

After Ron's accident I prayed for God's will. I never prayed for Ron to live, or have a good recovery, even though I got both. I prayed for God to work His will in the situation. I knew there were things "we" would not want to survive, say, a broken neck. God did that. God also let me know Ron was going to live at a time things looked very bleak (search on my Psalm 72 blog).

I am currently praying for God to give Ron the will to quit drinking, the realization that he is harming himself, the realization drinking harms our relationship, etc, fortitude for me to speak the truth in this, etc.

It is very easy to slide into "placating" mode, especially when he is ugly, but I am working on speaking the truth in love, as they say.

Anonymous said...

Good job Heather. It's no accident people read your blog.

Anonymous said...

"Well, I'm no theologian but I have never seen prayer as asking God for stuff. God's going to do what He's going to do regardless. I believe prayer puts us in the right frame of mind to accept God's will, if done "properly". "

The bible and jesus specifically says ask anything in my name and it shall be given. Now I am not talking about stupid material things like wealth, etc but god could and should at least stop a child from being abused or raped - there are many accounts of children who prayed everyday to god to have their dad or mom stop abusing them and it never happens.

That is what I am talking about.

Same with if you prayed for ron to stop drinking - god does not intervene nor does he stop bad things from happening.

Which is especially tragic when it is a child praying for help that for many never comes.

Anonymous said...

God has intervened many times. Parting the red sea for one.