Friday, November 7, 2014

Picky eater

It's funny.  My bifocals bother me when I have a migraine.  Apparently "switching" from one lens to another is bothersome.  I wished, yesterday, I had single vision lenses.

This morning, I moaned at Ron because the TV had one food commercial after another, and I was queasy.  "Shrimp!" I moaned miserably "Dripping in butter!"  UGH.  Absolutely revolting when I'm queasy.

About the only thing I ate was my homemade bread, and some chips at Walmart.   Ron ate half a jar of crunchy peanut butter during my nap. 

It got me thinking, though.  I am what most would term a "Picky" eater, which is funny.

The first 3 years of my life, I basically went unfed for several hours at a stretch, stuck in my crib, in a filthy diaper, starving.  You'd think I'd eat anything.

Especially considering my Dad's, God love him, cooking.  He did his best.  Back in the 1970's fathers didn't make dinner.

I ate a lot of cereal, scrambled eggs, milk, and broiled flank steak, tough as leather.  I fell in love with my adoptive Mom when she made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and asked if I wanted grape, or strawberry, jam.  Up until that point I'd only had Dad's favorite - peanut butter and mayo.  

I did have some "health nut" older neighbors who watched me on occasion.  She made homemade, whole wheat bread and ruined me for white bread.  She used to put honey on it.  Delicious.

As I grew I developed my own tastes, I love:
Most cheese (except blue), especially sharp.
Pretty much any grain, noodle, or bread - especially cornbread.
Peanut butter (gives me migraines now so I eat soynut butter).
Simple meats, like pot roast, stew, etc.
Meat sauteed in a skillet or wok.
Salads with bitter greens and minimal dressing, or chopped salads with ranch dressing
Hamburgers (I told you I have simple tastes), and steak if someone else is buying.
Calmari - I love it.
Dark meat poultry - boneless skinless chicken thighs are a favorite. 
Indian food, especially Tandoori chicken and saag paneer with pan bread. 
Macaroni and cheese

I hate:
Fried chicken (probably because Ron and I made so much when we first got married, fried chicken and potatoes, every night)
Italian food - I find it is usually over seasoned.
Chinese food is a migraine trigger, so I make my own stir fries in a wok.
Seafood.  After helping Ron with his food handler's permit I fear seafood.  So many ways to get sick.  Salads made with iceberg lettuce.  Ugh.
Chocolate - migraine trigger.
Generally I am not a fan of eggs in any form.  

You get the idea, I'm a pretty picky eater.

I find that funny, considering.

I am usually a fan of my own cooking.   

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