Friday, November 6, 2015


Well, Ron effectively finished destroying the phone. 

We did manage to schedule a ride to the phone place to get another one. 

He told me I was right and I didn't agree.  Wanted to. 

He got very drunk, fell off his walker backwards, and cracked his head.  He doesn't want any help, so I will assume, as always, he will bounce back tomorrow.  How many times has he done that, anyway?  Three dozen?  Backwards is new. 

No, it isn't.  Usually it was falling out of the wheelchair.  I swear the man is made of rubber. 

I finally got him fed and off to bed.  He made it OK. 

The neighbors are having a gathering, a little music, kids running around and screaming right outside my bedroom.  However, I don't have to get up until pretty late (8), but it is going to be a very long day. 

Sunday night I need to get to bed early, I'm hoping that can happen, because I have to get up at 2-3 AM  on Monday for a soda delivery.   On school holidays the kids run around outside when I'm trying to nap. 

Tomorrow, we go to the mall, go to the store, go to work, and stock rather late in the day.  We like to go in at odd hours and encounter people. 

Last time I found a guy bringing in a whole pallet of bbq chicken dinners.  I didn't care.  The other vendor has fits of someone sells so much as a peppermint, but they weren't going to buy our food, anyway, were they? 

The other vendor likes to shut 'em down.  We take a live and let life approach.  There's plenty of business for everyone. 

I would object if they were selling chips and canned soda, but that is really impractical to do on a large scale. 

I wonder when they'll finish their party.  I guess they are taking a 3 day weekend.  Nice for them, but I do better working more often. 

I do worry about him spending time with his kids.  My dad made that mistake, spent all his time at work and missed out on a lot, which he regrets.  In my opinion, kids love you more, the more time you spend with them. 

Dad invested a lot of time in me, during my formative years, and I will never forget that.  Things changed when he remarried, but he didn't understand.  He says he regrets his choices now. 

I'd hate for #6 to say that one day.   You want people to cry when you're gone. 

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