Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Barf for Mommy

Another day, another headache.  I still did my God Time and shower, and went to Walmart.  I really don't want to shop later in the week! 

I got Biscuit some new cat food, which he loves.  Since they all like to nibble at the canned food, I try to get the larger (5 ounce) cans.  I gave them 3 cans yesterday, total, and Biscuit got sick.  3, clearly, is one too many. 

Poor Biscuit just runs a little pukey.  I wonder sometimes if that's why they gave the kittens up - rather, dumped them in the woods next to a very busy street.  Pretty much a death sentence, that.  At least until I came along. 

Biscuit came running for me, like a long-lost lover.  He climbed me like a tree, meowing and purring in my ear as I laughed and giggled.  Gravy was more shy, hiding in the bushes and howling at me until I coaxed him out.  He then decided to trip me, repeatedly, as I walked to the bus stop. 

I had a huge sack of Bibles on my arm, I was committed - so I went and did the Bible Handout, worried about the little guys (I didn't know their sex yet), would get killed or hurt.  They had actually tried to ride the bus, but the driver fluttered the doors at them and chased them off. 

When I came back, that woman was kicking them in the head, they found my hamburger, and the rest is history.  Here I sit at my chair with Biscuit on my desk, staring at me adoringly as he purrs. 

So he vomits, a couple times a week.  Some cats have issues.  You don't kill them for it!  I just pet him and tell him it's OK, barf for Mommy.  I did that with Bubba, too (the beautiful solid black cat in my photo album).  Bubba was a lot pukier than Biscuit. 

I have very simple, inexpensive, furniture.  I'm happy with that.  I don't mind claw marks.  It just means they want to hang out with me. 

Just this week, the cats figured out they get lots of attention from me if they get up on my computer desk while I'm online.  Biscuit is up here right now, gazing at me with his beautiful light green eyes.  Torbie is really bad about sitting in front of my monitor. 

So, we got our Walmart done.  Ron wants gumbo for Thanksgiving, and loves a particular frozen gumbo "dinner", so we got him 4 of those.  He also wants me to make him some stuffing.  I got the ingredients for that. 

This week's headaches have given me a good opportunity to play "Take some pepto with the NSAID" whenever I take my headache pills (generic Excedrin), which has been pretty often.  I'm glad I take Milk Thistle supplements for my liver! 

My stomach has been fine, and if I had taken what I had, before, it would be pretty unhappy. 

I used to eat when I was hungry, now I eat to accommodate my medication.  Do I have enough fat?  Protein?  It's time for my meds, need to eat even if I'm not hungry.  Fruit, salads, etc. generally have bad results.  Maybe that's one reason people on lithium gain weight.  We have to eat pretty heavy meals when we take our meds or we get sick.  I know I do. 

So, we came home, and I took a nap.  The kids next door (#6) are out of school this week, but I have managed to get a nap both days (Monday and today).  I was pretty thrilled. 

I got up, did some organizing (I don't need to take out the trash tonight), and did up some pills.  I needed to put some new vitamins/supplements into my pills-of-the-week.  I had run out of multivitamins.  I had also read selenium may be helpful for depression, so I got some.  It was cheap.  We'll see.  I also got some flax oil. 

Pretty soon our ride came.  Ron wanted to go to the mall and get some teriyaki chicken, and burritos.  He likes to stock up and nibble for a few days.  I hate to go, but I will. 

He was very appreciative I did. 

The Chick-fil-a was open, so I had a chicken club, fruit salad (pretty daring for me, with my meds), and diet soda.  I ate at home and took a whole day's worth of medication.  I hadn't been able to take my morning stuff due to the headache (I will vomit!).  

I was a little nervous about the fruit salad, but I need to get more variety in my diet.  I want to eat better, less processed, foods.  I sound like a commercial. 

Anyway, on two occasions I had a grilled chicken salad, with my lithium, when I was taking HALF the dose I do now - and both times I became violently ill.  I felt horribly queasy, and had stabbing sharp pains.  I literally felt as though I was being stabbed to death. 

Horrid.  I had a natural concern I might have a repeat.  So, I had a couple spoonfuls of full fat cottage cheese and a couple potato chips.  I figured the additional fat and protein would help; and I'm fine, so it worked. 

I will have to experiment and find out if I can do "just" a grilled chicken club and fruit salad, with my meds.  However, the "bad reactions" are pretty instructive and trust me, I don't want a repeat! 


I'm dead without my meds, but sometimes I feel like they're killing me! 

Our return trip arrived early so we went home when he called.  He "should" have waited but Ron and I are not one to turn away a sure-bet ride home. 

We ate at home, Ron thanked me repeatedly, and I reminded Gravy he had a num-num of his own. 

My vet's going to be thrilled they're eating some canned food.  I think even Torbie partakes, but secretly. 

I bought the "wrong" flavor today, it was mixed in with Classic Seafood Entrée, but they all adore it, so it's on the buy list now.  I like to mix up flavors and brands, remember when they had the scandal with the contaminated cat food a few years back?  Cats were dying left and right of kidney failure. 

I can't imagine anything worse than 4 dead cats, all in one day. 

It was bad enough I saw a black cat, run over by a car (lying dead in the median) today. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thankful today and wanted to tell you that you are loved and thought about bye your crazy following

take care and be well Heather
Happy Thanksgiving dear Heather