Saturday, June 23, 2012

Haters gonna hate

Oh, an interesting few days.  We have a tropical "thing" in the Gulf of Mexico.  Some internet drama, and other assorted excitement.

The tropical thing: I'm not too worried.  We have good insurance, and an excellent roofing company.  During Hurricane Ike, we were one of the few houses in the subdivision with an intact roof!  In fact, it looked the same as it did before the hurricane.  Good guys.  [RSS Roofing]

Internet drama.  To quote the gangsters: Haters gonna hate.  I can only remove myself from the situation, which I have, for a while at least.

Now, I do understand I can be an acquired taste.  Since you're reading, you're OK with that.  I have different thought processes at times, and can be impaired in the way I interact with others, on occasion.

However, Dale Carnagie really helped with that.  Focus attention on the other person.  I'm better at that with strangers, than friends or family.  Today, we had a driver.  I recognize him, so I started asking about his baby.  He talked about the baby all the way to Walmart, and probably drove off thinking we were awesome.

I try to do that when I can; focus the conversation on others.  Whatever burning thing I've got to say can probably wait.  It will not change the world.  However, if someone walks away from the conversation, having talked their head off, they'll look at me, and hopefully my faith, in a favorable light.

A lot of cults practice that, actually: they teach their members to be very good listeners.  I'm no cult.  I'm just a Bible-loving born again who wants to share her faith.  I want you to know that God is there for you, no matter what, and he can use the most awful thing in your life for tremendous good.  ((((hugs)))   Don't forget, I pray for you daily.

Speaking of Bibles, I have an inbound shipment.  That's the fun thing about my donors!  Someone bought some Bibles for me, and they've shipped.

Don't worry, I have plenty to keep me busy!  I have also bought a few enormous sacks of wrapped candy for Driver Candy handouts, and ordered more Scripture booklets (although I have so many Bibles I may just hand the candy out with a Bible!)

If the tropical thing becomes a hurricane, you will probably find me, in a house, lit by a battery operated something, bagging up Driver Candy for the recipients.

I've had a lot of headaches today.  Yes, hormone related.  I hate admitting that; it makes me sound weak and wimpy, "I'm the victim of my hormones".  But, in a sense, I am.  I even had to take a phenergan this morning.

Even the depressions have a strong, hormonal, link.  I always get depressed at a certain point in my cycle.

I always wonder if I am completely freaking out any male readers.  I try to be delicate.   I figure you don't need all the details.

I got some ketosis test strips today, and some baked oatmeal breakfast lowcarb things.  Link  The oatmeal lowcarb things were very good.  I want some more.  They would make a really good breakfast with a sausage.

I just need to see if they trigger a headache; they do have a little maltitol and that can do it for me.  I never know until I eat something, if it's a trigger.  Right now my triggers seem to be peanuts (cry with me), and chocolate (I've had so many vicious chocolate migraines I almost hate it now).

Man, I'm hungry.  Coming back.

OK, I ate some dinner.  Nothing fancy, a couple of beef sticks and cream cheese.  When I have a bad headache, I crave salt, and have no appetite.  Dinner fixed both.  Of course I also took my lithium.

I'm a little disappointed in my weight loss to date, but I have to remember, I am drinking diet soda.  I am not eating 100% clean (a few things not on this stage of the plan, but low carb), and I'm taking medication that affects weight loss.

To quote the old saying, I didn't gain it overnight.  I won't lose it overnight.  If I did lose it too quickly, I'd have a lot of sagging skin.   So, I'll try to have a good attitude.

That's it for now!  Hang in there!

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