Monday, March 26, 2012

"Why I didn't Believe" - a Ron tract.

Why I didn't believe in God for so long!

Every so-called Christian I ever met, was a plastic holier than thou person!
They all acted like their bathroom mess didn't stink, like mine!
They acted like they knew they were going to Heaven, but I, the evil sinner, was definitely going to Hell!
And maybe, if I scraped and scrounged and begged enough, I might go to Heaven too,
but, only if I was as good as they were!
They acted like I had to EARN my way to Heaven!
It had nothing to do with a guy named Jesus, who was beaten, and died for my bad stuff, so I wouldn't have to get a whipping!
He suffered, so I didn't have to!  Why?  I don't know!
They say He loves us, but I couldn't!  We are just too bad!
Some so-called Christians act like we have to be worthy to go to the good place!
They don't seem to understand that even if we did our best, it would be like dirty diapers to HIM!
Why are they keeping this important news a big secret?
Does acting like they are   better than us, make them feel superior to us, and safe?
Why don't they just tell us that believing that Jesus died for our bad junk, frees us from punishment!
When I did wrong as a child, I got an butt whipping!  A real good one!
I've never been forgiven by my parents, for any wrong deed!  And now, I'm glad they didn't!
I'm a better person, because they beat my butt when I deserved it!
Some act like, now don't cuss!  That's ghetto for curse!
They have all these phony rules that equal goodness!
"If you want to go to Heaven, follow my rules!  Act like me, and you'll be alright!"
WRONG!  We couldn't earn our way if we tried!
We get there, because of HIS loving ACTIONS, not ours!
Now, you will probably fall in the mud at least once a day!  Don't let that discourage you!
Jesus took our whipping so we wouldn't have to get one!
But, to receive His gift, we have to repent, that means be really sorry, and sincerely regret, the bad stuff we said or did!
If we don't really mean it, then that proves we haven't really learned our lesson yet,
so how could we really expect forgiveness if we weren't really sorry?
You have to ask for it to get it!  Simple!
Some people act like they are going to Heaven, because they go to CHURCH every Sunday!
They never sin anymore, now that they've been saved by the blood of Jesus!
They act like they're ok and you're not!
But, you CAN be ok if!
Then they supply all the ifs you need to go to Heaven!
Jesus said, many of you called me LORD, and assumed I knew you.
But He said, I knew you not!
What a shock is in store for them.  They thought they were so perfect!
How sad to be misled, when the Bible is so clear about being saved!
Some folk think they have to give a certain amount of money to somebody, to get into Heaven!
Trust me!  God doesn't need money!  There's probably no money in Heaven anyway!
So, hear the good news!  There's hope even for someone as imperfect, as you and me!!
Thanks for reading my little note!

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