Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Today's toilet drama

So, more post-handout drama.

I checked my bank balance.  It had that horrible RED number.  I only get the red number with a negative balance.


I examined the statement.  I get electronic statements, daily.  Thank God.  Ah!  Got it!  TWO charges for the Spanish Bibles.  Unfortunately, the Bible Distributor was closed.  I'll call them Bible Guys.

I had a hard time falling asleep, wondering about overdrafts, shortfalls, etc.  I finally decided, this is spiritual warfare.  If I'm getting whipped, I'm going to fight back.

Cue FERVENT prayer for the recipients, unreached, and donors.  Major, massive, prayer.  I felt better and slept great.

I couldn't even remember what had me upset when I woke up after a good nights' sleep.  Then I did.  Checked the account.  Still screwed.

I told Ron.  He is very good at handling customer service phone issues.  I asked him if he'd help.  He was delighted.

You have to look at it from his perspective.  Like any man, he wants to protect, provide, and support me.  Instead, he has to call me every time he has any heavy lifting.  I have to push him around the Walmart.  I have to carry the groceries.  He wants to help.

Now he could.  I would rather be flayed alive than deal with someone explaining something to me.  Remember, I have an audio processing learning disability - I don't always understand things I'm told.

Ron got on the issue.  It took several phone calls, a lot of explaining on the other end of the phone, but at the end of it all "You'll get your money back in 24 hours".

They took turns pointing fingers at each other - Bible Guys said the bank did it.  Bank said Bible Guys did it.

At the end of the day, I'll get my money back.

Next time I use Bible Guys, I'll be writing a check!

We went to Walmart to get the toilet part (we need to buy washers tomorrow at the home improvement store).   We are currently flushing with buckets of water.  Ah, well.

I was very practical about it.  "We can flush with buckets of water".   Ron felt horrible about leaving the job undone.

Will this matter next week?  No.   I'm treating it accordingly.

After that, we went to the pharmacy.  Funny story there.  Yesterday, Ron called.  Asked if they had my haldol.  The guy said no.

I told Ron, after he hung up, technically my medication is haldoperidol.  Maybe he should ask for that?  I also STRONGLY suggested, he get one of the female techs on the phone.  I know they are very competent.  One picked up.  "Of course we have your medication.  He doesn't know that haldol and haloperidol are the same thing!  Don't worry, we'll tell him!"

Today they made him ring me up.  Ron, being blind, didn't know that and made comments like "I wonder if that guy ever figured it out!  It's awful to tell crazy people you don't have their pills!"  [snicker]  I let him run for a minute or so before I told Ron, "He's ringing me up".

I made sure to check it - ALWAYS check your pills.  My name.  Haloperidol.  .5 mg.  90 tablets.  Thank you!  I paid my $10 and tucked them in my backpack.

Then I went to the bank, and was told I'd have to kill my debit card if I wanted to "dispute".  Agh.  I put in enough cash to cover the negative balance, and my account fee, before I left.

Oh, and everyone but one teller got a Bible.   She made it clear she was not a friend of Jesus.  Sad.

Then, off to work.

Sales are really sad.  The nice thing about faith, one way or another God will cover us.  We live simply, and frugally.  We even turned off the land-line.

After work, after a very long ride and yet more Bible distribution, we went to the Christian bookstore.  I got my new Free Bibles sign made up.  It looks great.  I also got some 1/4 inch foam poster board.  I can make another sign out of that and Ron could hold it up when he comes along.

I would love to do a "Get out of hell!" sign, but I have to pray on that.  His will, not mine.

God knows I'd strip naked to do the handout if that's what it took!  But I can't scare the normals!

Finally, we came home.  We had today's toilet drama.

God clearly wants us in our home, this home.  We'll remain.

But I do have to say, sometimes it seems very easy to live in an apartment instead!

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