Saturday, March 24, 2012

Demolition Day.

When the home was inspected, we were told "The tiles will need to be replaced, eventually".

We were also quite angry to find a can of termite insecticide in the yard, when the owner's disclosure clearly stated they DID NOT ever have a termite problem.  We almost pulled out of the sale.

We didn't care if they HAD a termite issue.  The fact that they lied about it to cover it up?  Infuriating.

Years ago, Ron lost his balance and fell in the tub, hitting his head on the soap dish.  He literally put his head through the wall, which turned out to have the wrong drywall.  We had a horrifying vision of soggy, improper, drywall, rotted wall studs, and a very large bill in the future.  The studs were so bad, our handyman had to mount the patch to the tub.

The only grace - if the wall had been sound, Ron would have probably died.  He hit his head directly on the soap dish.   The wall had the structural integrity of toast, though, and easily gave under his weight.

Ron has a lot of balance issues due to his stroke, but I worked with an occupational therapist.   She made it pretty clear what Ron would require, and I've done that.  Example: no throw rugs, ever.

I think, in that case, I had failed to hang up the bath mat.

For years, I've known I had a ticking time bomb in my bathroom.  Tiles would fall off.  I'd prop them back up, shuddering at the sight of the soggy drywall.

For you home improvement types, they did not use "green board".

I'd lie in bed at night, wondering.  Dreading.

I asked friends how much a repair would cost.  They quoted half a years' pay.  [shudder]

Recently, I was venting about this issue.  An internet friend offered to get me some help.

Sure, I thought.  Good luck with that.  Who's going to come out and fix up my house?

Two guys, actually.  Very nice men.

We have already done the demolition.

This is what we found:

He's amazed it held up at all.  He gave one good yank and a whole sheet of tiles came down.  


Anonymous said...

Heather, it looks like there is mold in the bathroom from the improper tub installation. I hope they are able to get everything fixed up for you and that you will have a bathroom in good working order.

Heather Knits said...

OH, yeah, they're getting rid of everything that's bad. I have great faith in these guys, but it sure couldn't hurt to send up a prayer, if you are one! [pray-er] ((((hugs)))