Monday, January 16, 2012

Shoot the Tacos

Boy, I've been tired. 

Saturday: Walmart, home.  Nap.  Taco Bell.  Home.  One of my drivers was sick, coughing a lot.  I think I might be fighting that off.  I cleaned up the pantry and got rid of bad codes - replaced it.  Put in my prescription refill. 

Sunday: Tired, slept in.  Finally got up, went to a feed store.  Got some buckwheat and field peas (finally!).  I also got some seeds.  I got pretty dizzy waiting at the bus stop and it wasn't hot.  What was it?  God only knows.  When I got home I took a nap, watched some TV.  When I got to bed I slept really poorly but God honored my request to "give me a good quality of sleep". 

Monday:  Got up at 3 AM, got ready, went to work.  Did my God Time.  I'm always really pleased when I get up early after a bad night and do my God Time.  We got our pastry delivery.  The other vendor was sick all weekend.  I believe one reason I may be so tired these last couple days: fighting things off!  The other vendors fired the donut guy; so he's only coming for us.  BECAUSE he's only coming for us, that means we rescheduled our delivery to later in the morning.   No more 3 AM wakeups for donuts!  Alright. 

The sandwich guy was late, but that was fine.  He's really nice.  For some reason, they never put the use-by dates on the tacos.  Ron was all set to call, but I told him "Ron, we're a $40 delivery.  What are gas prices these days?  How far do they have to drive?"  He got it.  It's not a big deal.  I have a price gun. 

I tell him "I need to go shoot the tacos and put them out".   Then I go do it.  He told me I was a big help today.  I love to hear that. 

I found a good lab to draw my blood for a lithium level.  It's a good price, too.  So, tomorrow, I don't eat or take anything and go to the lab, get my blood drawn, and then eat.  Ron's going to help with the transit.  He wants to help. 

So, I consented!  Ron and I are both bad about asking for help.  I think, in Ron's case, because he "needs" so much already.  Me, because people didn't believe I needed help.  I seemed fine, why was I "faking"?  So I got in the habit of not asking.  I need to work on that. 

After work we came home, and I was exhausted.  I heard the neighbor kids playing outside (it was lovely, and a holiday).  I collapsed into bed.  I slept for hours, through dogs barking, a very loud radio, and of course the children.  I was happy to see I'm back in a happier place with medication: I just thought "That poor mother, with all that cooped up energy in the house, a newborn, and two toddlers!" 

I was too tired to do much garden work, but I did water and check on everyone.  They're looking good.  I need to eat the mustard greens. 

Tomorrow is "fun" after I do the blood test.  I'm looking forward to it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that you had to pay for your blood draws in the USA. :(. That made me count my blessings..I complain about prescription prices etc all the time, but my lab work is all 100% free. (covered by my province, and would be anywhere in Canada). I can literally walk into any doctor's lab with my recquisition and have it done. My particular meds do not require regular blood draws as yours, but I have pernicious anemia that requires regular blood work, and my meds do necessitate ECG's..that are also free. I think God is telling me to count my blessings and not complain!