Sunday, January 22, 2012

I would have liked a hero

When McCain first ran in 2000, I liked him.  I was upset he lost the nomination.

I had no trouble voting for him in 2008; even though it was mostly an "against obama" vote.  However, if some other democrat had run I still would have voted for McCain.

This time around, I've been really disappointed.  As a born-again-evangelical; I have problems with a Mormon president (although I admire a few tenets of their faith: no alcohol, have a disaster kit, family values).

I won't get into my gripes with Gingrich; suffice to say they are MANY.  I don't feel I can respect him or trust him as a leader.

Here we are: I didn't get a hero.  I didn't get a candidate I would trust with the nuke button.  I didn't get a candidate I feel loves God.  I got a "Well, he's better than obama"

I'm sorry, I'm not voting an "Against Obama" ticket.  Does that mean I'm voting Obama?  No.  He puts my hackles up, but I've been saying that for years.  

I have to vote for someone I feel is trustworthy, reliable, loves America, ideally loves God, and is a moral person.  Male or female, that's what I want.  I just don't see it.

So, that means my vote is most likely going to an independent candidate.  Someone got upset, and said that's a vote for Obama.  No, it's a vote for my conscience.

I don't want to feel like a whore at the voting booth.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Religion has disemboweled the republican party. We in my opinion are and should be a secular nation. Personally I support Obama I think he is a good man is working hard during a crappy period of a terrible economy he inherited from a pretty bad ( imho) president...i dont get the animosity about Obama and I makes me sad. Not your commemts or any one individual, but in general!
At leaet wevagree on Newt! Wow he is a horrid angry man. I wish religion could rest but it won't . For most evangelicals I understand why you are in the black and white ( not race just ideals) i empathize and fo understand. As you know I jus disagree
I will happily with out reservation give our president my vote for another term to finish his work. He s a good man.