Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I still love you, Heidi!

Ok, I'm back online.

I felt it was important to protest the "Piracy" acts, which are a huge erosion of free speech and civil liberties.  I'm no pirate but they went way too far with these bills.

Today was pretty crazy, but we got Ron his computer back, my old computer as his backup, and Mom's old laptop as my main.  I like our computer guy, but I sure hope we don't see him for a while!

We also went to Walmart and got my pills.  Ron wanted some more spaghetti rings with meatballs.

Yesterday, I went to the sporting goods store and got myself a dutch oven.  They are far cheaper at the sporting goods store (about half of Walmart's price).

Before that, I went to a walk in lab and got my blood test.  I have bad veins.  I was "very dehydrated" and they had to make 2 attempts.  I am curious to see my results.  They should be emailed and mailed.

I haven't heard anything yet but I'm not worried.  I'm not a "mean woman", or having weird neurological issues I'd have if toxic, so I assume I'm fine.  Nice to get something to prove that when I see Doc.

So, for a day off I was really busy.  I did get a short nap, but the rest of it was run, run, run.  A lot of that the last couple days.

Hopefully I can take it easy this weekend.

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