Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A crazy couple days, and setting a boundary

It's been a crazy couple days.  Monday we had torrential rains, and a very weird driver on the way home. 

I wonder if he realized how awful he acted, he was incredibly defensive and angry about missing the driveway.  I said "I guess you didn't see me waving" and he said "Oh, I saw you, but...[excuses]"  He felt the pickup had to conform to his understanding of things, instead of reading the very clear trip notes and driving towards me as I waved.  I OUGHT to have been at the more visible parking lot.  They OUGHT to have connected.  Ron OUGHT to have been outside with me, getting soaked, instead of in the building warm and dry until grumpy figured things out. 

For me, when I get a driver like this, I'm always scared.  If someone lacks the common sense to look for the driveway marked "employee entrance", driving up and down past said entrance several times, when I'm waving, it's in the trip notes, and Ron's cell is also listed for the truly confused; for someone to miss all that - I worry if they will get me home safe! 

It's pouring down rain and the roads are slick.  Visibility is poor.  So what does he do?  He's mad, so he speeds!  [shudder]  And yet another miracle, I made it home alive and walking.  It's really stupid, the vans have tattlers in them, it's reporting his speed to headquarters as he's driving, and I'm sure it ends up on a naughty driver report.  He also got into a confrontation with another guy, arguing for minutes, because the guy asked him to move.  Pair that with the attitude he gave us, I doubt he'll be driving long. 

I think the best drivers are the ones who don't take those hiccups personally.  They just shrug it off and say "Oh, well, onto the next pickup". 

As I'm typing, Ron's in here trying to talk about the old days.  I think, on some level, he really misses the old hippie days.  Talking about politics.  I finally told him, politely, that I needed to do my blog. 

I probably hurt his feelings, but I need some time by myself.  The last couple days have been work, a migraine, Ron's computer died, a LOT of "helping Ron with the computer" and very, very, little personal time. 

I am glad Ron finds me interesting and wants to talk, but on the other I need some alone time.  He likes to sleep during the day, wake up at night, and has hours to himself every night when I'm sleeping.  I had to get a nap today - I was really wiped out from the migraine, so I got pretty much zero personal time. 

And during my God Time he kept asking me to help him find CD's.  Agh. 

So, work is going OK.  Someone stole some merchandise out of a vending machine.  Shame on them. 

I had to set some boundaries with a guy at work.  He is interested in me. 

I think most of it, he's lonely.  However, while "doing some work" in my area he kept bugging me, shouting my name, asking me questions, etc.  I finally told him "I need to work,  Please leave me alone."  I asked Ron to play Big Bad Boss, "yelling" at me to get back to work, etc. 

I found it disgusting, to watch him stand around and gossip with other people all day long while his coworker did all the work.  Every now and then he comes by to "do some work" always making sure it's when we're here, trying to talk to me, etc. 

I am pretty conservative.  I really don't think it's appropriate for a single man to spend a lot of time with a married woman, especially when their jobs are completely unrelated.   He offered to take me, in his truck, alone, to run errands.  I said no.  Ron said "What about me?"  Exactly.  Ron and I are a package deal. 

We have a hallway, between our area and the work floor.  My stockroom door's in the hallway. When I came in today, he had his stuff all over the hallway, blocking the door, I had to ask him to move it, etc.  He knew we were coming in. 

He is a horrible gossip and very nosy; I didn't want him nosing around in my stockroom (which is off limits to anyone but us).  I made sure to padlock the door. 

I go in and out of the stockroom several times in an average work day.  I tried to do most of my traffic when the co-worker was present.  He kept trying to talk to me.  I just told him I had to work, etc. 

However, at one point I needed to take some inventory into my stockroom.  He was in the hall, with his co-worker.  He came up behind me as I approached the door.  WAY in my personal space.  I stopped.  So did he. 

"Excuse me" I said. 

"I'm not in your way." he replied.  I stopped in front of the door.  He was standing behind me, waiting for me to open the door.  I just waited. 

"The door's locked" said the co-worker. 

"I know" I said. 

Romeo, behind me, is pretending to "check out the doorframe".  I said "The door is fine, can you back up?" 

He didn't.  I stood there for another moment. 

"I'll come back when you're gone, then."  I turned around to leave. 

"Why are you going?" whines Romeo. 

"I don't like being CROWDED.  If you won't respect my personal space then I'll do this when you're gone." 

"Oh, we're leaving!"  And they left. 

When another big gossip came by, I mentioned the incident to him and said "Someone needs to have a talk with him about personal space".  Strongly implied, before I file a complaint. 

He came back, and later messed with the doorframe (after I had specifically said no).  But he stayed on the other side of the hall, working, where he should have been the whole time.  Ugh.  I hate work dramas. 

I don't care if he thinks I'm a "mean woman" - he needs to back off.  I have been very uncomfortable around him for a while. 

Hopefully this will do the trick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This guy is being totally inappropriate. I agree. Single men normally aren't hanging around with married women (unless they were good friends with you before you were married) unless there is an ulterior motive. Good for you for telling him to back off.