Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sunday morning

 The problem with living alone, I'm the only one to take care of things.  For instance, groceries.  If I want to eat I need to go buy the food.  In today's case I could have had it delivered, though, but I'd still have to pick it out online, wait for it, and put it away.  

I also had to wrap the faucets to my hoses.  That's non negotiable.  

I have laundry that needs doing.  That's not looking good for today.  

I'm not having a pity party, I hate those.  But I have to be practical.  I still feel pretty terrible even though my head isn't hurting.  It's called the "post-ictal" phase of a migraine.  Seizure disorders have a post ictal phase as well.  After the seizure.  

I don't have seizures praise God.  

I cranked the budget numbers and bought myself a small space heater for the bathroom when I take my shower.  

I got up today, took my shower, did my God Time, got some laundry started (not in this order).  The grocery store opens at 7, I was there at 6:40, first person in line.  I almost got stampeded when the door opened, the people behind me.  

I got a nice pack of pork chops for $2.63, etc.  I got some pasta, ground turkey, etc, more tomato paste.  I found a nice beef shank for $5 so I got that and some bay leaves.  I got out of there just under budget and came home.  

I put the groceries away, didn't feel great, sat down a while, got up again and wrapped the hose things.  Came back in.  

Some nice person did my front yard for me.  They didn't like the arrangement of my trash cans and "fixed" them so I had to put them back.  I just don't have stamina today.  

I am not sure if it was all the holiday work, the lack of sleep the last few weeks, the migraine, vomiting half the day yesterday, or the maniac setting off fireworks last night but I am just out of gas.  

So things - like cooking and a lot of the laundry - are not going to happen today.  I have to take care of myself.  The cats are good, I just did their litter, water, food, Biscuit has a little milk in his bowl.  

That's it for now.  

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