Friday, January 24, 2025

I can talk about this

Walmart has a point system for attendance.  5 points and they can terminate you.  No call-no show 2 points.  Call out without using PTO and it's one point.  Clock in more than 15 minutes before shift, 1 point.  Leave later than 9 minutes after your shift, one point.  You get the idea.  

We had a couple of people quit so my boss has been asking me to come in early, work late.  Apparently I racked up a lot of points.  A system alert came up for my other Team Lead yesterday I was over 7 points.  She came to me, laughing.  I am very reliable.  

I explained, even the one that was my fault.  They had changed the schedule, I didn't get the notification and they scheduled me to work on my day off.  I got 2 points that day and was clear that was "My fault".  She didn't think so and got that pulled, along with my other points.  

Thank you.  

She asked me to do 2 things.  I did over 4, additional tasks, my regular tasks in there as well, and trained 2 other employees how to "do the thing".  They weren't getting it, the way the Team Leads were teaching it.  I think, like me, a lot of people are visual learners.  Show us, don't tell us.  So I was doing that as I did the thing, showing them how to do the different things.  Night snitch "caught" me and was "working" nearby listening.  She doesn't want to know but she's going to tell them I was training.  They were doing it unaided by the time I left.  The Team Leads are getting into trouble over this.  

I am actually really enjoying my job lately.  

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