Sunday, January 19, 2025

Some thoughts on the oven

 It is painful to realize how Ron had me beaten down in so many ways, put in boxes and locked away.  

For instance, after we bought the house I got used to having a gas oven, did a lot of baking, breads, cookies, quick breads.  I would share them with the drivers and they raved about it.  

This is a lot like my post where I talked about how I never fixed myself up because he didn't want people complimenting my appearance.  Same principle, really.  

So, instead of calling me names and savagely tearing me down verbally, he would complain that the oven "had a smell", he didn't like it, he would scream at me and turn the oven off if I turned it on.  I cleaned it every way you can and nothing was up to his standards (unless he wanted me to make him a soda bread).  He literally would not let me use the oven, ever.  For probably a good 15 years before he died.  

I love to bake.  I started up again after my assault, I have made a few things in the toaster oven. 

A while back I realized it had been so long I had forgotten how to use the oven.  I downloaded a manual this morning and had a look.  

I may do some baking later.  It's certainly the right weather for it!  

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