Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Today was bipolar

"Bipolar" Everyone's throwing it around as an adjective, why not me? The day certainly qualified.

I woke up and we got a straight trip (!!) to Walmart with a nice driver. While there, I discovered the new plant display. I restrained myself to a Rosemary, Thyme, 2 tomatoes, and 2 tomato cages. Ron bought me a new hose (l0ng story short, me too depressed, Ron killed the hose by accident), so I also bought a nozzle and a sprayer (I can tell it to add 1 t per gallon of my seaweed emulsion) from Ortho. I find it ironic to use a chemical gardening iconic tool in my organic garden. Terrible things go into those sprayers, usually.

I was a happy camper! Even though they didn't have my cherry cola diet rite, I adapted. I got the cheap diet decaf and some low carb spaghetti fixin's. We went home.

Ron had an appointment at the Hand Center in a few hours, so I happily planned and planted my new friends. Ron wanted me to grow a "Bush Goliath" so I obliged him. I got myself a "Husky Red Cherry" - we'll see how that does. Hopefully it has good flavor and crack-resistant fruits.

I finish up, eat a snack and take my nap. All in all, a wonderful day.

We get a late ride to the Hand Center but we still made the appointment. They took great care of Ron last time, so he didn't mind going back. He has arthritis in his thumb joint and wanted to consult. Long story short, first drugs, then surgery. Let's pray I get my Metrolift.

We were finished and ready to go on time. 2 hours later, the place is closed. Everyone has gone home, the maids are vaccuming, and we know our eviction is imminent. It's freezing cold outside (low 50's) and I'm worried about my newly planted tomatoes! My babies are freezing! I'm hungry! I need to take my Lithium!

I remain calm. Ron finally gets the scoop from Metrolift: They gave the ride to "Frank" 10 minutes before Frank clocked out. Frank, by contract, must take all trips up to clock-out-time. He was in the area, only a few miles away. Instead of taking the trip, "Frank" gives both Metrolift and us the finger and goes home, turning off his cab. It takes Metrolift an hour to figure things out and then they didn't have anyone available. It's dark. It's cold. Have I mentioned that I need to take my Lithium?

I am not happy with Frank and I tell Ron I don't appreciate it being dragged into drama-queen games. He signed a contract, he should abide by it. He takes the money they give him, if he doesn't like the rules go work on the streets as a regular cab. Ron sees it as "Dispatch shouldn't have given him the trip so close to him going home." The fact that we had to wait OUTSIDE IN THE COLD WITH NOWHERE TO SIT FOR TWO HOURS doesn't matter, the guy's only slightly liable.

Huh. Anyway, when the "Real cab" pulled up, I greeted him with a smile and the words "My hero!" The words "Save, rescue, and hero" all made their appearance in my ensuing commentary. He got a bag of driver candy. I'm going home, thank God.

I just hate it when people use me as a pawn in stupid power games. I can't stand drama queens.

That's why I take my Lithium (the second I got in the door).

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