Sunday, February 3, 2008

I got a licking today

I suffered a home invasion today. The neighbor's min-pin, whom I'll call "Baby", was in her backyard (??) all weekend. She got lonely. I was sweet-talking her through the fence, she's an adorable dog.

Anyway, she got through a broken board into the yard behind her, then into our yard (most of our fence is incredibly old and brittle). I went into the house to get some treats and she followed me in. I had one cat on the floor by this computer and another cat in the laundry room. They all got along fine while Ron and I played "Min-Pin-roundup" and "Love the human". We each got a thorough licking. I finally got her back out into the yard and she raced around, sniffing away. I offered her a treat (I know, NEVER feed someone's dog without permission), but she had her own treat: a large pine bark mulch chip. She ran out of our yard ( I jury-rigged something to keep her from coming back) and into her own. The last I saw, she was burying her precious wood chip in her yard. When my sister called (we can yak!), I went out in the backyard. The dog could hear my voice and she loved it, I'd see her with her face up to the fence, tail wagging away.

Tomorrow, we'll give the neighbors a small rawhide bone we bought at Petco. "For the dog, if you don't mind". We'll tell them how much we love the dog, warn them about the fence hole (the neighbors behind them are not nice) and ask permission to give them the bone.

No one asks me permission to give Bubba-cat treats, but when we put him on a diet he gained weight eating at his freinds' houses. I believe that a cat probably has a more rugged digestive system than a dog, anyway.

For a total change of subject, my Stupice tomato was outgrowing it's Jiffy Pellet. I seeded it with 2 seeds, both of which sprouted. I very carefully divided it (each seedling looks OK now as I type) and potted each into a self watering pot with Miracle-grow organic potting soil (good stuff actually, and worth the $4 a bag) with a handful of compost. Occasionally, on a Monday, when we have a very early pickup, we'll ride with a nice older man who loves gardening and hopefully a Stupice tomato transplant in a 4-inch self watering pot.

My lettuce seedlings look good enough that I will be planting them out into garden bed one (of the lushly fertile soil). I plan to plant some romaine varieties, my sorrel, and a scallion type onion tomorrow. It was supposed to be "showers all day" but it just rained after I mowed the backyard, while I was dividing up the tomatoes and potting them up. Afterwards, it was just overcast.

I went to Half Price books and got The Complete Vegetable Gardeners Sourcebook - I like it because it has a lot of information on lots of varieties of everything.

I found a sweet potato today on the counter, I'd planned on eating it but never got around to it. It's sprouting. Awesome. I want to grow sweet potatoes eventually (No Regrets) so it's going to happen this year. I'll allocate the space somehow. From what I've read, I can expect a couple of good potatoes off of every vine. Yum. They're one of the only things that'll grow well in the summer heat.

I got smart and cooked up some soybeans and barley, plain, in water. I can add seasoning to each dish and make them different. I need something high-protein and easy on my stomach. I can even eat it for breakfast with splenda and butter. Yum.

Butter. Sweet potatoes. That made my day, even though it makes me look like an awful housekeeper.

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