Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It figures

I just did a property records search on the house behind us. Surprise. The owner moved to California and is renting the house. That certainly explains the obnoxious "ghetto" dog, the rudeness, and the drumming. The BAD drumming. Ron and I are going to contact the owner and file a barking dog nuisance court claim. Someone at the local law enforcement told us how to do it. On the one hand, the evil part of me hopes that they're trashing the inside of the house like they're trashing peace and quiet, but on the other hand, the owner herself is a nice person. I won't wish anything like that on her. I just hope we can get these tenants in line. I'm sorry, but it's always the renters who drag a neighborhood down. They don't respect it, because they have no real investment. My opinion.

Remember the other post when I said my bad days are on Tuesdays? Well, today was a very bad day. I woke up with a migraine from the low-carb shakes I drank yesterday (I assume). I nearly vomited in public on more than one occasion. Our ride home was flushed down the toilet and just a circus. When we got to Krogers to pay some bills and buy Ron a Metrolift pass (and me tickets), the "courtesy booth" was closed. Boy was it ever. I would NEVER EVER turn my back on a customer when they were talking to me, much less interrupt them and tell them "You'll just have to wait, then." So much for them opening at 8 AM, or even 12 like she told us, it wasn't open until 12:15. Our ride home was so screwed it worked out anyway but still.

Oh, yeah, and a Postal Worker broke a food machine and the guy who was supposed to bring us the sporks brought us granulated sugar packets. I told him no. He says he'll come back tomorrow. I'm sorry, but can't the man READ? It just typifies working with Vistar. You order one thing, they give you another and then they wonder why you object.

When we finally did get home, we had to deal with "Barky" and "Bam-Bam" the wanna-be drummer. I managed to curl up in a ball and drift off. When I woke up, Bubba cat was growling at something. I looked outside (I left the blinds slightly open), and some guy's in my backyard staring back at me. I opened the glass door "What the hell are you doing in my yard?" Oh, he's turning on the cable for Barky and Bam-Bam. I wished him good luck with the pit bull. "What pit bull" I pointed over the fence at Barky.

"Oh, that's not a pit bull, he looks like Benjy."

So? It's obnoxious.

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