Monday, January 7, 2008

The cow bites back

Lactose intolerance can trigger migraines, a fact I've learned just this last month. No milk products at all. I thought I was "OK" with yogurt, when we went to Whole Foods I got 2 quart tubs of delicious cream-top plain yogurt. I ate about 3 servings on Saturday.

Sunday, I had a killer migraine. The only "new" food was the yogurt; not to mention the instant milk migraine I had about a month ago. We've also got a big drop in barometric pressure and it's about a week until my period, all conspire to create a pretty miserable migraine.

I don't really get scared when I get a migraine. The only thing that scares me is the fact that I can't take my Lithium due to the nausea and vomiting. As migraines go, this last one was a solid 6.5 to 7 on a 1-10 (10 worst) migraine scale. I doubt anything will beat the migraine I had with neck pain and a sinus infection about 10 years ago. I had to get a spinal tap on that one.

I don't like to whine. I was somewhat functional today (I had a good nap when I got home), able to go to work and receive 3 deliveries. That's about all I could do but Ron wasn't stuck. Someone I met today mentioned a bad headache and I was happy to share my Tylenol.

Boy, my drivers sure love their candy. It really warms my heart to see their eager reactions. I will never stop giving them away.

Ron signed me up for high speed internet. It'll cost him less money, so I said yes. I hate change when it comes to my computer, but I don't want to be like that boss I had back in 200o, using a program from 1994. Ugh. It was incredibly inefficient and obsolete.

My soynuts ought to be here Wednesday (thank God they aren't a trigger!). I'm really excited to get them. I'm fairly limited in my snacking these days.

It looks like all dairy will be out now. No cheesecake or pizza either, probably. Waaaah!

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