Wednesday, October 31, 2007

First of all, my brother's doing a lot better. He should make a full recovery and I UPS'd his care package yesterday.

I got a response to my RH Lindsay fan mail. In part, it reads: "well thanks for the kudos - not sure we've ever received a letter quite like this!" -grin- I'm glad I wrote it.

Today was a pretty good day for me. The snack machines look great, deliveries were all timely Since the sandwich guy had been getting a little wierd even for me, I had Ron get it Monday. The delivery guy was fairly distraught. Good/bad? I don't know. Anyway, let's hope he goes back on his meds or whatever. Our milk delivery went great.

A couple weeks ago, I started bagging up Halloween candy. Then it hit me, why just give it to trick-or-treaters? I started bagging some up for other people, Metrolift drivers, delivery people, etc. It's been extremely popular with UPS delivery people, for instance. I'm going to keep doing it. Everyone loves it and it really brightens a lot of days.

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