Saturday, September 27, 2014

I need more worms!

I overslept, took my shower, and saw this on TV:

The newscast clearly showed the paratransit logo on the van.  It appears one of "my" drivers killed someone. 

I have a guy.  I will contact him and see about mailing the cab driver a care package.  If nothing else they are unemployed (I would IMAGINE!), scared, remorseful..

They can use a care package. 

Now, you might think, this driver ran over someone just like that guy ran over your husband.  Don't you lump them together? 

No, I don't.  God enables separation. 

On that note, we went to the warehouse.  Ron wanted 18 cases of drinks.  I needed a lot of snacks.  I got everything and checked out.  A man was waiting, at the door, to help me load the truck. 

DELIGHTFUL!  "Thank you, Sugar!" I told the "big black man" as I shoved the cart towards the pickup.  I love black people.  :) 

We got that rascal loaded (well, he did, I just handed a few things and put up Ron's wheelchair) in record time. 

Off to work. 

I got my handcarts.  I was a little worried because we took 2 days, in a row, during the week.  However, we got away with it. 

The machines were fine, it appeared.  Snacks were all nicely fronted and I had enough sandwiches. 

God prodded me to wait on snacks, and open the soda machine.  The canned soda machines do not show the inventory levels.  I have to open them and look. 

They were nearly empty.  Wow.  "They were thirsty" Ron remarked as he "viewed" the wiped-out bottled vendor.  No problems with that one! 

He got to work on "his" and I got to work on my 3.  Mine required 17 cases.  I did about 14 of them by the time Ron finished.  I had to carry them by hand to the machines (maybe 150 feet) because our carts were full of stock. 

Once Ron took over, I turned my attention to "patching" the snacks.  They didn't need an intense stock, Sundays are very slow at the plant.  They did need some pastry! 

I did that and worked on candy, crackers, etc.  I wasn't too worried, we'll be there at 4 AM Monday. 

I need more worms, I lamented.  Sour Gummy Worms.  The "new" people love them.  They seem to like everything I'm doing, except for one guy who stalks me for Gatorade.  I don't have room, I explained, as he coughed in my face. 

I think he caught the viral sinus infection that makes the rounds every winter.  I'm hoping it's the one I got last year, and I'm immune.  I did take some extra olive leaf after he left. 

A note, the downtown mail sort/processing facility is closing, so the employees are coming to us.  Most of them are long time Postal workers, but new to our facility.  That's why I call them "new".  They're not, really, just new to us. 

I had felt a little gnawed, because the first couple I met had only complaints, but one fellow said "We really appreciate your hard work" and that made a huge impact.  Dale Carnagie is right, a little appreciation goes a long way. 

The drip tray in the "bad" soda machine (the one we're trying to replace) was nearly overflowing.  Had it, it would have appeared the machine peed on the floor!  I got it dumped.  Ugh. 

You can bet I washed my hands very well before I touched any stock. 

All in all, work was just what I needed for my depression.  Odd but true. 

We came home.  Baby Girl ran up to me and coyly flopped on her back for her tummy rub.  I took care of that as Ron propelled himself up the driveway and around us (we were off to the side).  Baby Girl properly spoiled, I went in the house. 

She's in "my" chair right now.  When I sat on the loveseat nearby, she rolled over, cracked an eyelid, and purred at me.  She's a sweet lovebug.  

I made a sandwich with the last of the lunch meat (no headache today, by the way): pepper turkey and meunster cheese (aged cheese can provoke migraines).  It was delicious.  I took my meds and a nap. 

Happily, I slept pretty well.  Someone was playing music, quietly, but I still slept.  I got up and did my God Time (I had overslept and barely had time to shower). 

Are you ever running late, climb out of the shower, dry your hair, get dressed, and then suddenly wonder "Did I apply my deodorant?" 

Remember, I had a lot of physical labor today. 

Thank God I had.  [snort] 

1 comment:

Jillian said...

So sorry to hear about the accident. :( bless you for sending a care package.