Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yes, I blogged about that.

I don't like to flush when I pee in the middle of the night. I still have lingering vestiges of "toilet monster" fear as Ron phrased it... I used to be terrified of flushing toilets due to a bad experience as a toddler. Also, it wakes Ron up, and he has a hard enough time sleeping as it is.

I always get up and pee in the middle of the night, go back to bed. Wake up, pee, back to bed. Maybe a third time. It's the lithium. It acts as a diuretic.

Boy, is it the lithium. When I went in the bathroom today it REEKED. Lithium has an off metallic odor and it's very distinctive. Ron and I kid each other that he'll know if I'm off my pills because my urine will smell pleasant!

I actually found the smell comforting when I first started my medication. Something was different, I was taking steps to heal myself. Every time I urinated I was reminded I was going to get better, because I'd already started taking my medication.

The "If it's yellow, let it mellow" is a carryover from the drought days in Northern California. When they only get 10 inches of rain a year, they don't have a lot of excess water for flushing! My parents had 4 kids - that's a lot of flushes! So, I got in the habit.

Periodically, Ron can't take the aroma anymore and demands I flush every time. I comply, except at night.

I may be 34, but I know the toilet monster is waiting to get me!

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