Friday, May 29, 2009


I was nagging Ron about the cat treats recently. "It's like feeding a kid cheetos all the time, he needs to eat cat food!"

Ron started calling Bubba "Cheetos"now. "You are what you eat", as he doles out more treats. "He rumbles, Heather!" he'll wail as he dishes out more treats, and I'll walk in Ron's room to see a slobbering cat on Ron's pillow, inhaling cat treats.

Chuck came by today and we had a nice little visit. I told him of my concerns for Bubba, being all alone while we're gone. How I wished we could leave the cat door open.

"Heather, if you did that he'd take it as a personal challenge to fill up the house! You'd probably find an Eagle when you got home!"

So true.

1 comment:

shyone said...

Ok girl you are off for your adventure and I am so happy for you!!! My mother leaves her cats in the house when she travels and they do fine ...once in a while a potted plant will become the litter box or something gets knocked over ..but they seem to have fun and really they do fine ..she used to worry but now she says she thinks the are like kids and just get away with stuff when she is not looking! not worry Mr Cheetos will be fine :) do you leave a radio on or something? we always leave something noisey on in the house to give the idea that there is someone in there
take care and I will look for your updates and fancy wardrobe modeling shows onboard! have a wonderful time! big hugs!