Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Picky, picky.

Well, my theory was correct. I lost some mass in my abdomen.

Now I can wear size 10's, most anything Walmart has on the rack. Yeah! I am also a lot clearer thinking too. Thank. God!

I've had some time to think about a situation recently. I used to post a lot on a certain message board. I was very ill at the time and I wasn't banned, amazingly.

One memorable post I told a guy I could see why his wife left him! Ack!

Anyway, I tried to log back in and let them know I was "better" but I think they deleted my account. The board split and someone encouraged me to visit the "other" board.

I have visited. I was not pleased when someone doubted my salvation (not a believer himself). I had shared a very painful event where I became suicidally depressed. The person in the chat room making "Jokes" about killing my cat. The fact that the guy who was so awful to me was never publicly rebuked. Today, the fact that they were mocking people with mental illness and acting like diagnosing a mental illness is just a scam for the phamaceutical companies to make money. I find all of that offensive and objectionable. No wonder I'm the only person admitting to mental illness! Look at the stigma!

It's ironic. I don't want one board, and the other board doesn't want me! (hence, my title) You'll be seeing more of me, here, I guess! The first board, I can understand. A whole lot of drama, irritability, and hostility on my part. I was very offensive at times and I'd have deleted me too. I accept that.

I will certainly pray for them. God wants to use me in other ways, I guess. Do I really do that much good here? Or handing out Bibles? I'm still at it.

I stuck some cards into the Bibles, handwritten notes saying I'll pray for you daily! People keep trying to take them out and give them back to me! -laugh- I tell them, no, that's for you! Ron seems to enjoy "helping", I'm glad he's a partner and not opposing me.

It's hard not to develop a feeling of "No one wants me". I know it's not true. I know I'm properly medicated, too. I got a little cranky at lunch. Ron wasn't affected yet but I was feeling kind of hostile. The stares, oh, that really fried my bacon. I want to grab the person, shove their face at Ron, and say "Had enough yet?"

I've had advice on it... some say I should always be sweet and kind; others say to ignore them. I'm "repping" people with physical disabilities, and I need to be an ambassador! Today I glared at them. Such a good Christian!

Then, at lunch, I took an extra lithium. I love having the 150's, they are perfect for getting sick, but not so sick I need 300 mg. The smaller tablets are also quick release, right when I need 'em! Then I came home and took a nap. I'm washing my new shorts right now, hee hee.

So, what will I do tomorrow?

I left my cart at work, I used it at Sam's Club today to buy candy and get it into the building. I got paid today, and left my cart at work! Ack! Tomorrow I will go out and shop, probably "thrifting". I would love to get some more copies of Dr Atkins. I have a feeling everyone in the family is going to want a copy when they see me, and see what I get to eat!

I might also find some more 50 cent New Testaments. It's already Wednesday, I'd love to bring a dozen or so NT bibles with me on vacation (plus the Gospel of John's I got from a ministry). I really enjoy handing them out and everyone is so sweetly excited! I find it delightful! It's a joy to do.

But I need more to support my habit! A good habit!

I also need to figure out my knitting. I will be working on something for Mom during the trip, and I want to take some knitting on the plane/airport/journey. That means the bamboo circular, which is currently embedded in a scrap yarn project (aka Frosty's afghan). Do I pull it out? Dig around and try to find my multicolored 16 inch circular size 8? Most likely, the latter. It's around somewhere - famous last words!

Do I need hair gel? I chose not to get Ron sunscreen. I figure I can get some spray-on on the ship for him. I don't want to worry about trying to fly with an aerosol or having a leaky liquid.

I also need to cook that pot roast and clean up the kitchen. I took out the trash this morning - oddly enough, I miss Ron doing that the most out of all his chores. All the dresses are good to go. I'm washing Ron's new pants today (he wanted a more ample waist), I'll hang them up in the garment bag. Then I need to get him some t-shirts and pack them into the duffel bag.

Ron needs to call Super Shuttle and confirm. Lots of details!

I bought some extra hamburgers for my dinner tonight. All I need to do is de-bun them, heat and eat. I have tomorrow off, and I just got paid!



shyone said...

Ok I am going to spew right now after reading what happened on that board...Heather I had a horrific tragidy ..quietly joined a LC support board because I had gained some weight and lost my low carb way for a bit ...I was treated like crap and called a "drama queen" when I told someone not to post in my journal after I told them about my is not you or your illness sometimes people do suck!
you know it is unfair even in healthcare choosen field and I love what I do..there are people that do not believe mental illness is real ..they can understand abdominal pain and treat it accordingly but when a patient comes in a bad way mentally suddenly the brain is not an organ??? give me a break it is our main organ when it gets "sick" we are sick the brian is our control center in life ..easy when you have a stomach ache to sit and think "ok I should not have eaten that" or you can understand a head cold and triage that yourself ..but when your brain betrays you and gets ill then people assume you must be able to control it! I get so pissed off with people I work with who are supposed to be compassionate care givers I do understand ..when my brain was hit with PTSD after my tragidy I knew I had no control of it and was glad I cared for folks with mental illness all these years with compassion and kindness because it came back to me twofold

you should be proud and you have earned respect the jerks out there that do not "believe" in mental illness ..well all I can say is you never know when your brain is going to come down with something so pay attention! it is an organ like your heart your stomach your lungs and it can get sick!

people can be so awful but in the end you are doing the right thing ..

a dear friend of mine said can pray for everyone and that is good but the only soul you have to worry about really is your own :)

have a wonderful trip Heather take lots of pictures and keep on keeping on!

as ever!

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, it was awful. I always believe we Christians are held to a higher standard - we should be "better" than the world and I work damned hard to do so.

I won't shut up... you can count on that. People need to know it is OK to admit having mental illness, it is not a shameful thing, it's a fact, like being diabetic or having seizures.

That is awful what happened to you! I still miss Frosty terribly and he was a -cat-. I can't imagine losing my baby, and from what I've heard it doesn't matter how old the child, they're still your baby. ((((hugs)))

Bubba says hi, he came in and meowed at my while I typed. :)