Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sue's thing

As I began to type just now, I heard a terrible racket outside the window. "Fluffy", a longhaired, gray and white, stray cat, has been sniffing around the house for a few years. I can't blame the poor thing. Our house reeks of spoiled rotten felines; our boys are overweight, and Fluffy's looking pretty rough these days. I think Fluff's people moved and left him behind. They're on the roof now, the cats, and I hope they settle things quietly. I don't mind having a third cat, assuming it is freindly, fixed, has good toilet habits, and gets along with the other two, but I doubt my guys would allow it. So I'll just enjoy the fire-engine roars of anger and disapproval on an ongoing basis. Worst case, Bubba can always sit on poor Fluffy. It'll be all over then.

So. Sue's thing. I was going to make a teasing post about how Sue would love her olive-green poncho, but then I realized Sue likes Olive Green. So, it isn't an olive green poncho. I can't really think of a handmade article that would make her gasp in horror - "Oh, no, Heather made me a Quizzy!". Now I wish I'd made a fake object, so horrifying that it would make anyone's eyes bleed to behold it (like my first afghan). I could put up a picture and call it "Sue's thing". I'm evil. So, I finished most of it, I just have a little bit left, and barring a major disaster I will have it done tomorrow. Yay!

I got an interesting pattern book today. First, Chuck came and met us, drove us to Metrolift, we dropped off the paperwork for him to get renewed. Yay! The lady said everything was in order, and Ron unintentionally demonstrated that the line about him being partially deaf is all too true. We then ate breakfast, yum. We passed Hobby Lobby and Chuck stopped so I could run in and shop. I kept it short but I found an interesting Bernat Camoflauge (sic) pamphlet. I am interested in several items, namely the crochet mittens, the fingerless gloves (!!) and a couple of the sweaters. You probably couldn't pay me to make anything out of their suggested yarns (UGH!), but the patterns themselves are intriguing. It began to pour so we ran to the vet, got some medication (I've forgotten what they're calling the stuff that used to be Revolution), and ran home. Then I got all the fun of dosing the cats.

My gloves came today! They are really nice, thick, durable-looking and warm. I love the cozy liner. Ron has already mentioned he wouldn't mind a pair himself. I think I may have my anniversary gift. He tends to like either tools or warm things (I've bought him a few coats and many hand-tools). I think the gloves would be great.

I took my Lithium late today (I waited until we were out to breakfast) and got manic, demonstrating yet again that I'm only one or two missed doses from going into a major freak-out. I don't find it as depressing as I used to, thank God.

Tomorrow starts early but it's over early, too. They call me an optimist! Envision me laughing, but it's a healthy laugh, not "Oh, God! She's OFF HER PILLS!" manical laughter. I have a lot more real fun on my medication.

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