Friday, September 19, 2014


This won't be the typical blog. 

I am in a horrible mood.  Depressed and very irritable.  Not really fit for anything public. 

I had planned to go to bed very early, but that didn't work out. 

I did have a lovely cuddle with Torbie last night.  She slept in the bed, and permitted lots of petting and kisses as I hit the snooze alarm. 

I'm limping along, trying to practice my faith the best I can, honor God, and not release my inner bitch. 

Some days.  I just want to take out my brain and put it in the freezer. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i check in about once a week or month depending on how much your posts upset me. I see you differently than you see yourself. You and Ron actually remind me of my parents. strange since I am pretty much Ron's age.