Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thank God for Santa hats

For the last couple days, I've been completely exhausted.  It's not a depression fatigue, I know those well; no hopelessness, despair, or pain.  Just an unrelenting desire to sleep, and some vague aches. 

If I had a sore throat or a fever, I would have called it "the flu".  If I were vomiting or otherwise, I would have called it "a virus".  As it is, only God knows.  Nothing specific enough for a doctor visit. 

I decided to treat myself as thought I were sick; what would I do?  I would get tons of rest; so I did.  I would stay warm and take it easy mentally - did that.  I would do things I enjoy - didn't really do that, but I got a lot of sleep. 

I love a red wool "safety" blanket I bought online a few years ago.  I have no idea why a $8, itchy, wool blanket makes me happy, but it does.  I put it on the bed.  The cat and I love it.  I have a huge mountain of blankets, actually.  5 if you count the quilt. 

I'm happy; I don't take very good care of myself, and I need to work on that.  I did pretty well this week.  God values me, I need to value myself.  Working on that. 

At any rate, when I woke up from a 4- hour nap yesterday, I realized I WAS feeling better.  Happily I'm back to my usual energy level - which is pretty low as I am in a depression.  I can think about presoaking some beans to make soup tomorrow, and I put up the trash can. 

Ha.  When I loaded the page I wasn't really going to talk about this at all. 

About the only other physical issue of note; I have the metal-mouth again.  My mouth, and everything I consume, tastes like rusty nails.  Yuck.  The peanut butter was REVOLTING.  I ended up eating some plain cream cheese so I could take my lithium.  That tasted OK, but that horrible flavor persists. 

I probably need to try drinking a lot of water, sometimes that will help.  Worst case I have sugar free cough drops. 

Today we went to work, stocked what we could.  I was very upset, I thought someone had stolen our tree.  They didn't, they just knocked it down.  I duct taped it in place. 

We stocked what we could, I took out the bad codes, and threw them out.  Sometimes I wish I had a farm animal, like a goat.  I could feed it the out of code product.  [sigh] 

After work, we went to the Christian bookstore.  The machine was down.  I had done everything I could think to troubleshoot. 

See, I was feeling pretty proud after getting our old Royal Vendor up and running.  It had crashed, and I got it going again.  I was mentally strutting around like a rooster.  I can fix anything!  Look at me!  See what I did! 

Now, everyday I ask God (during my God Time at least), to keep me humble.  Well, it is very humbling for the Great Fixer to say, sadly, "I can't get it to work".  We had to call the expert. 

So the second half of "work", today, was "getting the professional out to tell me a part had gotten unplugged".  Ouch.  Hm.  That's a big blow to the old pride.  After fixing it, I picked up a few clearance things and we came home.  I got a good nap. 

When I woke up this morning, it was literally freezing.  [shiver]  I decided I really didn't want to take a shower, I'd just use the dry shampoo. 

I bought it, thinking it might have some good disaster kit applications.  However, when I tried it, it had a very strong (objectionable) smell that reminded me of those pink, scented, tampons.  I kept smelling it all day.  It didn't work, my hair still looked awful.  I got white junk all over my hairbrush, and had to wash it. 

Dry shampoo is a big failure, at least that brand.  I might try the mousse, but I don't have high hopes.  I felt so "dirty".  Ugh.  One day I will figure out, the only surefire way to perfect hair is a hot shower. 

Thank God for Santa hats. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes..and that this time of year we can get away with wearing a Santa hat and with people not wanting to commit us! hehehe. (sorry, just a bit of mutual mental health humor.)

I was overwhelmingly sleepy this week, too. I slept for eight straight hours. I read somewhere that us bipolar folk need more sleep than the average person. Pair that with our meds, and it's not surprising..