Saturday, February 20, 2010

One of my favorite categories...

I love praying for these guys, the "Gospel Distributors" basically, everyone involved from the tree, to the tract, to someone on their knees getting saved. The guy who prints the tracts. The mailman carrying them...the store that sells them, the person handing them out. Like I said, a fun group.

  1. Protect them from demonic, and human, attacks.
  2. Safety for them.
  3. Guide the administrators and managers.
  4. Give them a good supply chain, unimpeded, with fair prices.
  5. Quality, functioning, equipment.
  6. Protect the equipment, and humans, from breakdowns and accidents!
  7. Safety for all property
  8. Excellent production levels, to keep up with demand!
  9. Safe packing and shipping, for people and materials!
  10. Safe, unimpeded, expedited, shipping. You would be surprised how well this works. I have gotten several packages that looked as though they had been chewed by dogs, yet the material was fine.
  11. Open hearts, for all to receive the Gospel.
  12. Give Holy Spirit guidance with all decisions.
  13. Give everyone, more opportunities to do more for You!
  14. Protect all the computer systems, equipment, and software.
  15. Fruitful distribution! My FAVORITE request, ever.
  16. More workers! (second favorite request!)
  17. Give Your encouragement, and zeal, to the workers!
  18. Please provide excellent spiritual, mental, and physical health for the workers, family, and friends.

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