Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hi Gang!

It was a very busy day - and I need to get to bed soon so it will be short.

Got up, went to work, did EVERYTHING - placed the order, counted the pull, prepped the deposit, put what I had into the machines, helped Ron, you name it. I also put up half a pallet of soda, and all this in just a few hours!

Our first couple trips were horrible, but the rest of the trips were great. We got to the bank, did our business, went to Walmart - got the basics.

I am cheap in many regards, for instance, I don't buy brand names - unless you count the sporting-goods-store store brand jeans. At $15, they fit great and wear like iron.

The one thing I don't cheap? Toilet Paper. I can't abide the cheap stuff. I got all my supplies - Ron just loves riding around in the Shopalong cart - the blue thing on the back of the shopping cart. I even sent Shopalong an email with a link.

I barely had time to make a small deposit at MY bank, and hit the bathroom yet again - my jeans seem very loose today. I hope it "sticks". Ron bought a burger for the driver, and off we went.

My favorite part of the day - I'm sitting on my loveseat, doing my Bible Study. The neighbor kids are very loud, and I hear repeated wooden bangings. When I hear the kid shouting "Break it" I decide to check things out.

One look out the window and I'm banging on the neighbor's front door, dressed in my nightgown and robe.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I hate to bother you, but your child and his friend are trying to break down the fence between our properties!"

Mom took care of it. [laugh] Then I have to calm myself down as I hear a lot of whining from next door - those kids don't realize I can hear what they say... and get mellow enough to be in a Godly, Bible study kind of mind.

I had just prayed for good neighbor relations before all this happened. I am glad I let God guide me in what to do. I would rather the own parent deal with the kid, than me.

I need to run, up at 2-something tomorrow. I already did tomorrow's driver candy and Bibles.

I'll reply to the comments tomorrow! I love you! (((Hugs)))

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