Wednesday, May 28, 2008

True Confessions

I ran today with my hair braided and it worked out great. I saw the woman I term the snail. She walks very slowly, but she's out there walking every time I run. Good for her! She's driving a new car. That's how you know you're a regular in the park!

Mr. Runs-In-His-Khakis was out today too. Also Pudgy Labrador and owner (the dog's leashed). I didn't see Mr. Callasthenics, though. Maybe he took the day off. It's nice to know the regulars are there if we ever have a problem.

I have been very tired recently and I've been making a whey protien shake for dinner. I'm lazy. It tastes good. But I'm not losing so I think maybe they're a little high carb for me right now (4 grams a scoop).

Could it be that I'm only downing a quart of plain water every day? I'm drinking more sodas, "It's hoooot!". Sigh. None of that is exactly helping my weight loss. Add in the 2 Atkins bars I ate this week and it's no surprise I've stalled.

The sad thing is that I just put up a link to this from the low carb friends website. Eek.

Maybe it's just my body building muscle while burning fat. My legs are really looking great and Ron remarked on my trimmer waist this week. I feel great when I run and I'm lifting more weight. I'm doing things right. I just need to figure out the things I'm doing wrong.

Maybe nothing. Maybe my "confessions" are irrelevant. I could wake up pounds lighter tomorrow. I am eating clean - nothing I shouldn't. Ron cooked some popcorn in the microwave today. He was in the bathroom when it finished so I opened it up and gave it to him without eating a single kernel.

I could be tired from working out and the heat. I'm taking plenty of supplements so I feel OK in the vitamin department. I just get tired of the fatigue.

I wish I knew it was the Lithium. Then I could say, OK, acceptable loss. I need to just deal with the energy I have and spend it wisely. I like to think I do a decent job of that.

What if it isn't? What if I'm doing something wrong? I don't think so, but I've felt this tired ever since Dr P increased my Lithium to 4 tablets a day.

So there's my answer. Fatigue = Lithium.

On my next day off I think I'll cook up a bunch of dinners and freeze them so I have something more natural to eat when I'm hungry. My first meals of choice shouldn't be Whipped Cream Thing or Whey Protein Shake.

I get paid tomorrow, so we're going to Walmart. When I go I plan to get more celery, salad mix, etc. I'm bringing my large insulated tote bag even though I'll look odd carrying it at the bank when I get paid.

I'm also buying some lower-carb whey protein powder (2 grams) and no-carb egg protein powder when we get back from Galveston. More on that later.

1 comment:

dlyn said...

I came over to check out your blog because of your comment on LCFriends - your reference to there made me laugh! Nice blog - I will be back to check it out more.