Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lithium and Salad Don't Mix

Things have been going pretty well. Nice stable moods. It's been quiet at work on the snack machines. I guess potato chips are the first to go during a budget crunch, or perhaps it's the imminent arrival of swimsuit season.

I've been working out regularly and cutting back on the diet sodas reaped some amazing rewards, I lost 4 inches off my belly and an inch and a half off my chest. I also lost a couple of pounds, and I'm only a few pounds from the 100's.

Last night was a tough one. I told Ron I wanted to get to sleep early so I could run before it got hot. We also had a Walmart trip planned a little later in the morning. Ron thought he was being quiet, but he kept waking me up. I had to yell at him a few times.

Once I finally settled in (well after 11 PM), I was awakened yet again by loud meowings, banging, and crashes from the living room. Apparently the cat brought home some kind of prey and was having a delightful time chasing it. More on that prey later.

I forgot to set my alarm (6:30). I woke up at 6:45. I was tired, cranky, and hostile toward the insensitive males in my household, be they human or feline. I went for my run anyway.

It was incredibly humid! I am so glad I ran when I did, I don't think I could run 4 steps in a row right now. I ran during a "feels like" of upper 80's. I drank a lot of water when I got home and that fixed me up pretty well.

Having just went for a run, I took a shower when I got home. My hair was covered in shampoo and I could barely see. I reached for something. All of a sudden HELLO! A big green frog jumps out at me. It was hiding from the cats behind my body wash. Of course I let out a blood-curdling scream worthy of a horror movie. Poor Barky, the dog who lives behind us, sounded the alarm as well.

After I finished my shower I ate my sausage patty and took my pills. We went to Walmart. I found some good stuff - a fitness magazine I enjoy, a new pedometer, and some supplements. We came home.

Ron asked me what I wanted to eat for lunch and I told him I wasn't very hungry. I was thinking about a salad and some bacon. He fixed my bacon for me. I ate 2 cups of salad with dressing and four strips of bacon. I took 2 Lithium tablets, as ordered, and took my nap.

When I woke up just now I had the worst heartburn. Lithium and Salad don't mix.

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