Friday, November 16, 2007

It pushes my button

I woke up today with a mild sore throat. Whenever that happens, I get furious. Why?

I work for my husband. No sick leave, no insurance. I'm supposed to be disabled, and I only work part-time, but the way I see it I don't "need" the disability check every month. I'm healthy. I live in a quiet, safe subdivision. My husband provides for me. If he dies or we lose our location then I'd go for disability, but I feel God does not want me taking that money right now. I like to believe I am an ethical person. I'm not "needy".

I see Postal workers every day. I see trainees, learning to be mail carriers. They all have benefits and sick leave. They have good medical, I've seen the flyers. My freind gets about 6 weeks of vacation a year.

So why do they come in to work when they're sick? They have sick leave. Why not use it when they're actually sick? My friend says perhaps they are on the restricted sick leave list. They call in on Mondays, Fridays, and holidays. They call in for hangnails and haircuts. So they have to get documentation, from a doctor, and bring it to work every time they call in.

Instead, they'd rather come in to work, flushed and sweating. They hack virulently and gasp for breath (I wish I were exaggerating here), they blow congested noses and snort into their tissues. Then they walk around, touching all the doors and polluting the air we breathe.

Ron and I are big fans of Olive Leaf. It's a natural herbal antimicrobal/antiviral/antiparisitical. If you've got a "bug", Olive Leaf is the cure. It's awesome.

I've got a sore throat due to the aforementioned jerk. I'm going to take my Olive Leaf. I'm going to pray for him because he did me wrong and the Bible tells me to do that.

But I am going to be a little aggravated that the jerk didn't stay home like any considerate human would have done. Dumb, greedy jerk.

Thanks a lot.

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