Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Going up!

Well, like I said in the other post, I can always count on my moods to pass. Today, I'm going up, surfing the internet and plotting my budget. Enhancing my disaster kit seems like an excellent idea, and it's not all wrong. Hurricane season starts next week and we are predicted to have a higher-than-normal chance of landfall along the Texas Gulf Coast.

Last night I had a lot of trouble sleeping. I may have to chase down my Valerian Root; that's good stuff.

Whenever I have a lot of trouble sleeping, tossing and turning, I can always count on Bubba. Bubba is my Baby Kitten - all 16 pounds of him. He's extremely independent and only likes petting when he's outside. I can forget about getting him in my lap - that's just his personality. But whenever I have trouble sleeping, he climbs into bed with me and curls up. I'll flop over in the middle of the night to discover him nestled by my pillow. Last night, when I did drop off, I had a hideous dream. I awoke to find my beloved Bubba licking my foot to wake me up. He's a sweet baby.

Tomorrow, he's getting extra wet food AND treats.

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