Friday, February 28, 2025

Yesterday was horrendous

 I have to backtrack to Wednesday night first.  I bought a very nice tray of beef meat and soup bones.  

I had to cook it yesterday, that's why it was such a good deal - markdown.  I will buy markdown meats some places, this store is one of them.  And 3 pounds of beef for $7 can't be beat.  

I woke up with a moderate headache, took something.  I got ready for work and got out the cutting board.  I put the beef in the crock pot with chopped onions, sliced carrots, garlic, and some spices.  I wanted a good stock base with some cooked meat - I thought I could make some soup or something.  

The onions, it's hard to explain, when I was cutting them the scent got up in my head in a very bad way and magnified the headache.  The scent was still on my hands even after washing and I just found it revolting.  

I tried taking some Butterbur, a migraine prevention herb which can help sometimes.  It didn't.  

I got to work OK but the headache was escalating on the way.  

When I hand out the candy it is a sandwich bag, a couple handfuls of hard assorted wrapped candy, the "Now and Laters" (not the actual brand but the type), bubble gums, lollipops, lemon drops, etc.  Interestingly enough my personal favorite candy is peppermints.  I don't hand those out the recipients hate them.  So I've got the candy.  I also put in a note "I'm praying for you daily" and sign it, put a Bible verse sticker or write a Bible verse on it.  Then I put a tract and/or a Scripture booklet in there too.  That's the candy.  I did up a bunch on Sunday and just ran out yesterday, it's great to have it ready to go.  

I have 2 buses to get to work.  The second driver I get pretty frequently.  He is a nice, young, black guy.  Very skilled driver and actually manages the people on the bus.  

I was riding to work and just not feeling well.  He called me up and I went up front.  He said "I read the Bible verses you put in the candy.  Do you have some more for me?"  I told him I thought Psalm 91 and Psalm 46 were good ones for him.  He said thank you.  He also requested more prayer, he said he saw I pray for him daily and he "needs more, it's really important".  I said absolutely.  "You don't know how bad it is out here" he said desperately "We really need prayer".  I told him again I had him.  I said "I'm always strapped when I leave the house " (ghetto slang for carrying a gun).  "Let me get you one" got a New Testament out of my bag, gave it to him.  He laughed when he saw it and took it.  

We got to my stop, I walked in the store, and I was whalloped with the most evil migraine you can imagine.  

I can't vomit in a toilet, it's too hard.  I did find a trash can.  As I was walking to the back I saw the lady who has to cover for me if I'm gone.  She gave me such a lovely smile when she saw me.  I thought "I can't call out she'll have to do double work"  

One of the associates saw me getting sick so it got around pretty fast.  I told them I had a migraine.  I would work but there was one thing I couldn't do with my head this way.  I couldn't do it today but would be able to do it when I felt better.  My friends basically said, clock in, work your shift, we will look out for you.  So I did that, and they did look out for me.  

I figured, accurately, I was going to feel terrible anywhere I went so I might as well get some good will and some money out of it, save my PTO for something else.  I did it all.  

It was very busy but I kept up with it.  

I had the spicy boss but she was pretty busy and she tends to avoid my work area when it's very busy.  She did come by "pecking" at me over something and one of my friends took her aside.  I don't know what she said but she was much nicer and told me to take my lunch early.  No one wants to do my job and it has to be done if I'm gone.  And I did the work.  

I got through it.  

I thought I might be able to eat some pasta when I got home.  I got that and some cottage cheese, I thought that would be good mixed.  But when I got home (Ace got me) the house was full of the smell of braised beef.  It would have been delicious if I hadn't been sick but it made me very queasy.  I couldn't wait to get that crock pot in the fridge.  

I went to bed and slept OK considering.  I still feel pretty terrible but not as bad as I did yesterday.  

The cats are good.  Scrappy did a drive-by this morning.  The weather is lovely so I'm surprised my Original Gangsters (Biscuit, Spotty, and Cleo) are home at all.  

That's it for now.  

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