Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 I was up all night with what I believe was food poisoning.  It was very unpleasant.  I called out.  I only worked 5 hours today anyway.  It's a shame because I would have only seen the spicy boss for a half hour anyway.  

She is up to her old tactics.  Supervisors can get printouts from people applying for positions.  Someone had quit about a week ago.  She did that and put application printout papers where the associates would find them "I can replace you, too!" But that is a major violation of employment law as the papers have confidential information, like full socials, on them.  They are not supposed to give us access to that kind of stuff and little Ms Nosy (not me) was browsing them yesterday.  

She also said I was "in trouble" for doing the thing they have been demanding I do, and not training me on at all despite repeated requests on my part.  That if I "kept it up there would be consequences".  

What?  The work getting done?  I believe the place I send it after it's done is complaining because now they have actual work to do.  "They have to review it" (I did it correctly!) "Before they will let me do more".  Fine, in the meantime it continues to pile up.  

If there's a real problem with how I'm doing it why not train me directly so I can do it "their way"?  This is why I won't buy Walmart stock.  They're not efficient.  Everyone is trying to save their job they're not focused on making the company money.  

Anyway I'm going to hydrate today.  I have been flushing all night there can't be much left now.  More later.  

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