When I was sick a coworker looked me up online. So I have to assume that, in addition to the pest, I may have her reading as well. Gulp.
I have also been very busy. Working 9 hour shifts with a 90 minute commute each way is no joke! But the boss said she had asked to make me full time which means I'll net more money.
I have had some good experiences sharing my faith going home at night (off at 8 PM) so I plan to ride the bus at least 3 days a week, that will save a lot of money too. I should net about $200 more a pay period. I plan to take the Ramsay approach and maybe take $40 of that for fun money/lunch that kind of thing and plow the rest into bills.
Speaking of work a few weeks ago the schedule came out, I was not supposed to work at all this week. I told my boss who, to put it kindly, flipped out and got on the phone to the lady who made the schedule. She was told "I want Heather working (this week)!" a pause "11-8!". But I'm part time only 32 hours a week, which meant if they wanted me Monday - Thursday I couldn't work Friday (fiscal week stuff). I saw that.
I don't lie but I can refrain from telling. I really wanted to do a Valentine's Handout. They never fixed it, I checked several times, so I went and did that yesterday. I dressed up the Bibles in cute little gift bags and meant to put some little Valentine's in them as well but I had a migraine. Good thing I didn't work the buss was hell and it's maybe 20 minutes each way to the venue. I did put the God Loves You tracts in the Bibles and got them in the gift bags so I feel good about that. The presentation was a big hit so I'm glad I did it.
I had gotten a new "garment of praise" t shirt (a brightly colored, very visible, solid t shirt). I didn't try it on at the store. I was wearing it over a navy thermal top (I wore matching navy thermals under the t shirt and jeans) and boy that neckline was a little low! I need to check these details before the day of the Handout!
The Handout went very well and people seemed very touched. Please pray for them. Someone in the chemical plant, I think, saw me working, couldn't leave, and sent his assistant to me to get Bibles. She wanted one too so I I set them up with enough for the whole office. I probably should have sent some Spanish, too.
I battle pride issues - I've been very clear on that. I have been asking God to help me work on that. So yesterday I had a ghastly migraine. It wasn't too bad while I was working but before, after, all night it was brutal. I'm certainly not arrogant today.
After the Handout I went to the grocery store with the hand cart. I had the cart with me of course. I have a laminated poster board sign. Corporate was visiting the grocery store when I came shopping after a Handout one day and very nicely told me to put it in a box, please, no distribution. I respect that, it's there house. I wouldn't want JW's shoving stuff at me while I shopped. So I rolled up the sign.
I just did not feel well at all. And there's a special kind of hell, grocery shopping with a migraine. It wasn't that it was loud or bright. I am used to that at Walmart. It was fairly crowded but not too bad actually. But looking at the food (especially the meat!), meal planning, making selections was just very unpleasant. I did not have problems with the fruit and vegetables, the cheese, just the meat. I ended up getting 2 kinds of pork chops (with bone, and without, the ones with a bone were a very good deal and can go in the crock pot) and a 10 pound bag of chicken leg quarters. The beef is too expensive. I told myself I would buy myself a nice cut of red meat (maybe a roast or some stew meat) after my promotion.
In the meantime my coworkers were blowing up my phone, horrified. I told them I had been scheduled off and why. I am sure that got back to my boss who seems to be dragging her feet on putting me at full time. If I had said "They gave me the day off", which is true, it would have sounded like I asked. I didn't ask. I put it in God's hands. He knew why I wanted it off and He gave it to me. I will have a lot of hard questions today I am sure.
I got home (a different driver), it was unpleasant. I put up the food. I texted my parents and went to bed. I must have been sick I had the original gangsters (3 cats) with me all night.
Today isn't too bad, 9-5. I'll probably get home around 7.
That's it for now!
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