Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday morning

 I'm a Gen X.  I'm proud of it.  I attended a talk by a demographer who said that Gen X was the smallest population of all the generations living today.  I believe, in part, that was due to the advent of workable birth control and the legalization of abortion.  It was easy to prevent a baby, or get rid of one.  So a lot of people made the choice.  

I was actually a planned pregnancy.  My Dad has told me that on several occasions.  And then she drank heavily every day she was pregnant.  I'll just leave that there.  

But I made it and I'm proud I'm Gen X.  We saw it all!  Including the Terminator movies.  

It seems, to me, like AI has exploded recently the last year or so.  Hasn't anyone ever seen those movies?  Skynet annhialating humanity on judgement day?  AI run amok?

That's not what's going to get us.  Our own sin will.  God will rapture the believers, and I believe the innocent (those too young or unable to make the choice for Christ) as well.  That will send humanity in a tailspin, God's judgement starts coming (cue Revelation), the AntiChrist shows up, etc.  

AI still creeps me out.  As you've seen I don't need any help with my writing.  I have a Chromebook and it recently downloaded an AI "help" feature that will often suggest phrases as I'm blogging.  

I have almost 10K posts.  I can write on my own, thanks.  

The cats are good.  All 4 of them stayed in last night.  Spotty really loves to sleep by my head which is fun.  I got a good night's sleep, no headache.  I'm a little cold though.  

Plans for the day: 

God Time, litter boxes, shower, set up the henna.  Henna takes 4 hours to develop before application.  Do kitchen/cooking stuff.  Take a nap.  Apply the henna.  Do more kitchen stuff (not much I can do without glasses but I can cook).  That's it.  

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