Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I had trouble sleeping last night

 Today's going to be fun.  

I did think I need to look at my clothes and see what I can wear to jury duty.  I'll put up the letter this weekend it was mostly "fashion police" "Don't you dare..." stuff.  I have a blazer, I have blouses, I have long church type dresses.  I'll look and see if we have any slacks.  They had a whole lot about capris.  I can't wear capris to work I'm not wearing them to jury duty.  And while I have purple jeggings I'm not wearing them, either.  

The original cats slept with me last night, all 3 of them.  And I was thinking there is barely any room for Scrappy much less a husband.  If I remarry I'm going to have to get a bigger bed.  If I remarry.  

Happily the bed is fine for now; when I can't sleep I never blame the bed.  Scrappy was out all night (he's intact, after all) but he did come home when I turned the light on.  They still have a lot of food so I'm not worried about that.  I just did their water bowls.  

For some odd reason they all love to drink out of a bucket.  So they have a traditional water bowl and the bucket.  But they always go for the bucket.  Bubba did that too.  

Oh, I am tired.  Today's going to suck!  

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