I only had a week's mania. I've never had a better timed one, except the one when Ron left the hospital. It lasted long enough, that's the importance.
However, that means I'm depressed now. Hopelessness, etc. Not so bad today because I woke up with a NASTY headache. I took some excedrin and drank a mountain dew. 300 mg of caffeine is good for a boost into low mania for a few hours.
"Don't go over 450 mg" Doc tells me. OK.
If I know I'm depressed than I can recognize it and deal with it accordingly. Last night, I did a henna.
So what have I been doing? Tuesday I worked 12 hours plus. I came home, ate, took my meds, and went pretty much straight to bed. Wednesday I went to Walmart, came home, and did a henna. I used the "playful plum". Not a good call.
When I use "original" it comes in orange and fades to red after a day. Playful plum has manifested as more of a dark brown. However, I'm only 15 hours in. Once I use shampoo (I rinsed it with conditioner, sounds wierd but works well), and give it another day, it may get redder. If not, I'm glad I still have time to use "original" before my parents come to visit. They really like my hair redder.
I love my Dad dearly. I can only recall a few times he complimented me on my appearance. My wedding day, for instance. He actually *liked* the photo of me with the red hair. Yeah, I still want to make Daddy proud. :)
I was and am a total Daddy's girl. Except for running off with Ron and the whole "living in sin" thing for 10 years. But I know Dad is proud of me for not running out on Ron after he got hurt, for marrying Ron, and helping Ron manage the business. He told me once he was very proud I had never asked him for money.
Dad's money is his. Not mine.
As I see it, Dad only has one real flaw: he doesn't like cats. Oh, well. I bet Torbie tries to change that when he comes to visit.
Oh, by the way, I did some deductive reasoning. Torbie snores. Every snoring cat I've had has been over 10, so I think she's over 10. She gets a little stiff sometimes. I feed her glucosamine treats, though, with fish oil. She loves them and they do seem to help. If nothing else they make a really good treat (2 a day).
I was reading up on arthritis in cats. Apparently warmth is very good for them. I found a heated cat bed so I put a little money in my account. Later today, I'm going to get one
She'll love it. She adores my heated mattress pad, the sheepskin on the back of the couch, etc. It makes me happy to spoil her. I plan to put it on "her spot" on the computer room couch.
I think that's one of the good things about cats and depression: not necessarily that I've gotten a surfeit of cuddles lately. Not that I woke up yesterday to find not one, but BOTH cats in my bed, but they enjoy the little things I give them so very much. They're just so delighted with the little things. Treats. A fresh bowl of high-end cat food (the cats have a choice between salmon, or duck), a cuddle. It makes life fun, even when I'm depressed.
I love the little southern meow Torbie does when she wants to get in my lap: Ma-YOW. I always pat my lap, encourage her, and she jumps right up. She likes it when I rub her ears. Old cats seem to love that, but Baby Girl (2 years old) will get pretty growly if you try it.
Work has gone pretty well, with a few problems: no stockroom door (installed yesterday, but no lock); power outage on Monday - we lost about $40 in perishable inventory. One of the managers said "You don't have to throw it out". Dude (I didn't say this), it got up over 50 degrees in there for God knows how long. I have to throw it out. I don't sell anything I wouldn't eat. No water line yet for coffee machine. I don't care about that: but the customers do.
It is a little scary for me to work with coffee drinkers. They get very, very, angry when they don't have their coffee. Of course it's an addictive behavior but one can't say that, of course. It's a little alarming when they're in my face yelling.
As a vendor, I would never use a coffee vending machine. Too many problems. You're better off bringing some instant - we have half a dozen microwaves. In maintenance they have their own coffee pot. Everyone puts in some money every month, or brings supplies. The pot's on the burner all day and they seem to love it. Perfect cup every time. Kind of like the cop shows. I don't say this of course.
Today should be pretty simple (ha!). We go to the warehouse, get some snack items. Go to work and stock. Go home. That's it.
Ron's giving me tomorrow off. I got paid, put in my money for the cat bed and my recurring debit.
Ron wanted more protein foods; so we got him BBQ chicken strips, chicken patties (cooked, you just warm it and slap on a bun), and nonfat milk for his shakes. I make him protein shakes with nonfat milk and 2 scoops Peanut Butter Chocolate whey protein powder per cup. He loves it. He'll drink a quart of that a day (insane protein). I also got sharp cheddar slices to put on the chicken sandwich, whole grain buns, etc. He loves grape tomatoes so we got that; and V8. That's about it for Ron vegetable. For me, I got cheese sticks - I'll be eating all the other stuff too.
I'm pretty proud of us; good food, easy to fix and minimal dishes. Good depression food.
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