Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm never like this

I'm very glad I have my blog. When something weighs on me, I can come here and type it all out.

Today I really have a glimpse of "normal" - what normal would be for me, if I didn't have my disabilities. I woke up at a reasonable hour. I had lots of energy, because I'm still slightly manic. I ate a good breakfast and took my pills (even if I were "normal", I'd still take supplements). The sink was full of dirty dishes. I started working on them, then I cleaned out the fridge. As I was pouring some leftovers into my trash bag, icky meat juice splashed on my shorts and the floor. Looks like I need to mop and do laundry!

I went around the house, picking up dirty clothes. I sorted them and started a load, then I swept the tile floors and mopped them. I poured the mop water into the toilet and got the toilet cleanser started (I like to let it "cook" for a bit before scrubbing, even though the toilet isn't bad). I opened the windows to let in fresh air.

The house is filled with the scent of citrus cleanser, the sinks are empty, and the floors look great. I don't have any wierd leftovers in the fridge. Later, I'll cook up the meat I bought yesterday.

It was obvious to me - what items needed tasking, and what didn't. "Normally" I don't even think about it, literally, until dirty dishes are on the verge of falling out of the sink and I've got new life forms in my toilet bowl. Today it was all so clear, and so easy to do. Normally, it feels like climbing a mountain.

I'm never like this. Never. It makes me sad today. This is what my husband talks about wistfully when he says "I knew you were messy when I married you".

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