Saturday, January 30, 2010

My ministry

Nothing, and I mean, nothing has scared me more than those two words "Your Ministry". It made me want to run and hide. It's a scary thing when God gives you the gift of "ministry".

I beg God, daily, to keep me humble. Don't allow me to get swelled up and think it's all ME. I know, Lord, it is YOU, IN me, that allows me to spread your word. Please keep me humble. I can only do this, because you have allowed it! Thank you, Lord!

I also feel gratitude is vital. It is an incredible honor for me to hand out God's word. A few times, recently, He has even allowed me to teach (I always beg for guidance before opening my mouth or typing). God gets the glory, God gets the honor! I am a simple, broken tool. I am grateful that He chooses to use me. Far "better" choices exist!

That's another thing - it is constantly amazing that God wants to use someone like me. I'm "crazy". I have brain damage. I can't even drive. But BECAUSE I have these problems, God can use me in amazing ways. Who else will hand out Bibles at the bus stop? Or give a bus driver a bag of candy with a tract? I don't see anyone else. I am a lantern, shining God's love everywhere I go.

I am certain, if I failed somehow, God would raise up someone else to fill in the gap. I know it's an honor to hand out Bibles and share God's love with everyone I meet. He has given me a "heart" for them. I hunger to serve them. If I had a choice between eating and handing out a Bible, I'd serve the hungry soul. That attitude is a gift from God.

Sometimes I may miss an opportunity, due to things I can't control. If that happens I always ask God for another chance and often get one. I yearned to give one man a Bible for weeks, but things always consipired to prevent it. One happy day, I was able to present it. Thank you, Lord!

I believe the most important aspect of any ministry is obedience. God can only use us if we are obedient to His will. I have a few little "favorite" Bibles and such. One, in particular, was an out-of-print Bible Promise book. One day, the calling was unmistakable. God wanted me to give it away.

I did not want to give it away. It was mine. But I am God's daughter, bought with the blood of Jesus. I had two choices: obey, or refuse. I don't want to be the child who refuses! Besides, all of my possessions come from God anyway. God was so generous in allowing me to keep my personal Bible when I was mugged - I don't see how it fell out of the bag as I strugged. How could I repay him with a nasty pout and a NO?

So, I put it where God directed me. It was gone in minutes. I know some hungry soul is reading it, and drawing sustenance from God's words. I asked God, if He minded, sending me another one.

However, the book I liked was out of print. But yesterday - I found one at the thrift store. Thank you, Lord. God is so generous, He knows exactly what we need every second of our lives.

So, I accept the "handle" of "My Ministry". Yes, I have a ministry. I'm a Bible Woman. I hand out Bibles. I go where He leads me. It's a tremendous honor. I am so grateful He has chosen me! I beg for humility, and I remain his obedient daughter.

Oh, and Lord, I'm sorry I didn't give the scary homeless guy a cough drop, on the bus, when You directed me to do so. I'm sorry, and I won't fail you next time.

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