Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tornado Dreams

Do you ever have a recurring dream "Theme"? I have the airport dreams, the bird dreams, and the tornado dreams, just to name a few.

In the tornado dreams, I'm generally outside somewhere and a cataclysmic tornado is approaching. My reaction varies with every dream. Sometimes it qualifies as "nightmare" as I become utterly hysterical as the storm approaches and passes.

Other times, I greet the impending disaster with more aplomb, yelling at others to protect themselves and martialing everyone into ditches for protection. Hiding in a ditch, or culvert, is the best approach if you are outside and a tornado is approaching.

I finally looked up the dream interpretation of "tornado" dreams.

Tornado is a violent storm in nature, and it may represent violent emotional storms in your dreams. If you have reoccurring
tornado dreams consider the emotional changes in your life and also the amount of anger and rage that you may be currently experiencing. Tornadoes could also represent disruptions and upsets in you immediate environment and specific or current issues that may be overwhelming.
Well, I certainly have had a few "violent emotional storms" [giggle] in my day. I tend to take the "disruptions and upsets in your immediate enviroment...issues that may be overwhelming" issue.
After all, my husband is having surgery in just a few days. There's no such thing as minor surgery; risks are present. He could have a stroke, he could have a heart attack, God forbid, another allergic reaction to an antibiotic... etc. A lot of risks. Nothing I can to do prevent it, either. Well, I can pray. [shrug] I'm all for prayer, I'll take all the prayer we can get... but I'm basically helpless here.
No wonder I had another tornado dream last night. This time, I was actually indoors, sitting at a long wooden table, surrounded by others. I talked about disaster preparedness, and as the storm approached I got under the table. The others laughed at me for doing so, but I told them "I've been through a lot of these and I know what to do. You can do as you please, but I'm getting under the table."
The storm passed as I huddled, under the table, accompanied by a large dog. I heard screams from the others. As I emerged, the table had fewer people. They all told me they wished they'd gotten under the table and I preened a bit. I resumed my "disaster preparedness" talk, and I then spent some time with the dog. [shrug] Ron says I have amazingly detailed dreams... that his are very different.
Anyway, this dream was far better than my usual tornado dream. Most of them are horrible nightmares, even though I'm never harmed by the storm. Sometimes I'm trying to reach Ron, (we've been separated in the dream), or a family member. Sometimes I'm trying to save a child.
I've had a lot of bad things in my life. More than some, less than others. Most every "bad thing" has been completely unexpected and unpreventable. It just launches itself at us, and we deal with it as best we can. I'm reminded of the "Face Hugger" aliens (from the Alien franchise), how they launch themselves out of their pods at the victims. It's a similar feeling for me. By the time I've registered the horror of the oncoming nightmare, it's wrapped itself around my face and is trying to jam it's tube down my throat. Poor you! I couldn't find any good Youtube. [laugh]
Anyway, a small break for a [wink] unspecified reason, and I'm back. Life really is like the weather, you have no idea what's headed your way.
I'll just ride out this week, this year, this life, the best that I can.

1 comment:

shyone said...

awww Heather good luck and speedy recovery to Ron and for you! ;)