Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hello Dolly!

Today we had about as much of a hurricane as I ever hope to see. We had a few rain bands from Hurricane Dolly, but that's it. Good. I hope everyone is safe "Down South".

I saw my doctor today, my psychiatrist, also known as a P-doc. He loved Ron's "I didn't escape, they gave me a day pass" t-shirt and complimented me on my weight loss (the lady who runs the deli mentioned it as soon as she saw me). He was thrilled I've lost it and wanted to know how (I told him). Oh, and he'd dropped his prices. I have $10 more in my pocket. He gave his approval to my medication changes (less!) so we'll save a lot of money on prescriptions and I won't be so foggy-headed.

I also saw the ads from Atkins Nutritionals that have got everyone on the low-carb message boards so inflammed. LEAN MEAT? You can do it, using our sweet treats? Poor Dr Atkins must be rolling over in his grave. He never, ever said you had to buy special products to lose weight and he NEVER advocated eating lean meats. In fact, he said eating a low fat version of the diet would derail your weight loss. Direct quote, that.

I was pretty tired but I had a good workout last night - I just did 15 minutes of squats for weights. Tomorrow I hope to run, but we'll see. I did pretty well on the exercise bike last night - 20 minutes at 70% HR. Maybe I'm not as weak as I feel.

I get aggravated at my fatigue but that's the price I'm going to pay for sanity. Agggh. I wish I didn't have to choose, just like I wish I were a gorgous size 10.

It's sad. I was posting a little on a bodybuilding message board. I've seen two posts by women screaming about their fat as*es or fat as a pig, things like that. Then they say I'm up to 140. What the heck am I supposed to feel? I'm at 193.5! It's hard not to feel hurt by that, even if it isn't directed at me. I would hate to hear what they'd call me.

I wore some short shorts and a sleeveless top today and had my aunt take some photos. It'll be interesting to see how they turn out. I know I'm going to look 40 pounds overweight, but I hope the progression of weight loss will be visible in my photo collection. I plan to take it with me when people doubt how fat I used to be.

On our ride home, we had a driver who always wants me to be his computer expert. Huh? I'm not. I think he's finally gotten it.

That's it for now. Take care!

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