Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The fences they broke

Ron's been talking to his parents recently and she told him she wants him to resolve "it" with his brother and sister. "It" being the way they treated us after Ron's accident. They wanted to throw his life away and put him in a nursing home because he would need some help after the accident.

I told them, I'd do everything for Ron. As it turns out, all I needed was an occasional ride to Walmart. A tough job to be sure. I told them, don't worry, I don't need anything. They did worry and the intrigues continued. They ended up dropping us right when I decided to depend on them for some small tasks. That's fine. I don't miss them.

Here are some examples:
* If Ron loves you so much, why didn't he marry you? At the time, Ron would ask for me repeatedly if I wasn't there. He never did that with anyone else.

* Telling the doctor I was "Crazy" and unfit to care for him. The doctor laughed at them.

* Instructing me to lie to the doctor and tell her I had a back back, so I couldn't care for Ron. When I refused, they told the doctor themselves. She laughed at them.

* Deciding to throw away Ron's life (business, apartment, etc) and throw him in a nursing home because it would be easier.

* Name-calling and plotting behind my back when I refused to go along.

* Making their own plans that would have ruined my life and his. Fortunately Ron was able to talk his Dad out of them.

* His brother kidnapped me one day and held me hostage, yelling at me in the car until I threatened to break a window.

* Being hateful after the accident, when Ron tried to mend fences THEY broke.

Ron's talked about writing them a letter to let them know why he doesn't want contact. I'm considering enclosing my own letter but I think it wouldn't do any good. I know it won't do any good.

Would it make me feel better? Maybe. But I think why even invest that little bit of energy into them? I just dread the idea of some family gathering where they all put on the plastic faces. I'd have to go to help Ron.

Sigh. I'm going to think on it for a while.

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