Thursday, July 3, 2008

Enough about his family

Ron's decided to leave things the way they are. He's made enough attempts at reconciliation. He doesn't want to play games. He has (in my opinion) absolutely nothing to apologize for. "I'm sorry I was seriously injured and it looked like Heather might need some help?" I mean, what do you say? They have our number and address, we're in the book. Ron and Heather ____ . If they want to have a relationship with us, we've offered the olive branch for years.

It is my humble opinion that they don't want a relationship, they are terrified of the idea that one day Ron may have a complication and end up moving in with them. That fear overwhelms all other emotions. My opinion only.

Sure, I wasn't easy. Hell, I was in about the most stressful situation possible! My husband's dying, I got laid off, he got robbed, I had no rent money, I'm looking at eviction... my whole life is in turmoil. Thank God I had a loving family that stepped up when I needed them. They provided everything we needed until things got settled and Ron had a monthly check coming in to cover the bills. If I wasn't sugar, if I got impatient, I'm sorry. They were pretty nasty to me too. They called me horrible names. They lied about me to Ron's doctors. They kidnapped me on one occasion. They deliberately said the most hateful things they could.

I forgive them for that but I have an awful hard time forgiving them for hurting Ron. That's what burns me. I'm still working on that one.

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