Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You can't do that!

When I was a teenager, newly diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, in Special Education classes, "they" told me I'd never live independently. "They" wanted to teach me to ride the bus, a task I figured out on my own. "They" wanted me in subsidized housing.

Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with subsidized housing. People need a safe place to live; and if they can't afford it due to disability, ignorance, or high cost of living, then by all means support them. The nice thing about the program is that it takes 30% of your income, so you're not getting it for free. [shrug] If I ever truly needed help with housing, I'd do it.

In fact, I was on Medicare briefly to pay for my wisdom teeth. The case worker said I could get food stamps, but I told her "I have enough to eat, thank you" and declined. "They" would have been horrified.

"They" would have told me that being bipolar and FAS, I was doomed to a difficult life, plagued by addiction and most likely one incarceration. Sorry.

I was smart enough to listen to Mom; "Don't drink, Heather, you'll ruin your life". A few drinks later, hallucinations, bad thoughts, I realized she was right!

They also told me I'd never lose weight taking mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants, but I've hit one of my measurement goals just this morning. Yet again, they were wrong. My doctor brags on me every chance he gets.

"They" would undoubtably tell me to stay home on a hot day, but I won't listen today either. I like pushing limits.

It's a good thing, when "They'd" given up all hope for my husband I successfully rehabilitated him after his head injury. Good thing I'm stubborn!

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