Saturday, September 20, 2008

POD envy

I wondered what I'd write about after going through a big, bad, category 2 hurricane. Not much to say about the storm, really. Big gusts of wind, rain, no flooding thank you Jesus, all done. Wait for utilities and transportation to come back online.

Since I have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, I can't drive. I'm incapable of processing the infomation I'd need to drive safely, so I don't drive. My husband is blind, he can't drive. We depend on public transportation.

Normally, I'm fine with that. I meet fascinating people, see interesting sights, and get plenty of motivation to stick to my low-carb diet. So far I've lost just under 46 pounds. That's a lot of lard!

I don't usually see myself as limited or disabled in any way. I've got a good life and I enjoy it. I can provide my husband with the care he needs, help him run his business, and take care of my adorable 2 cats.

However, after the storm. No paratransit service unless you were a dialysis patient, which I'm not, thank you Jesus.

FEMA came along and set up PODS (points of distribution) all over Houston. All you had to do was hop in your car, drive to the location, and they'd give you a case of MRE's, a case of bottled water, and a bag or two of ice. Very nice. If you can drive.

Everytime I'd see those centers on TV, I'd be overcome with a bitter sense of resentment. Why me? Why can't I drive? Why do I have to go and spend a hundred dollars on food that other people are getting for free? I had to bust my butt to go to Walmart, buy the food, bring it home, and make sure the codes are OK to eat.

[I'm going to digress for a moment and mention that eating my low-carb canned foods that I selected and purchased, I lost 4 pounds after the hurricane.] That's worth some money right there.

I saw some MRE's at work. To be honest, they were loaded with carbohydrate. That might be fine for Ron, but I need low-carb foods to function. Would I even want an MRE if someone gave it to me? Probably not, I'd rather get a case of Turkey Spam (another post).

I was smart enough to prepare so I didn't need to go to a POD. I have been disappointed the last few days, very few people have the supplies to go even a week, much less two, without electricity. Today I had a driver ask me if I thought he could get food stamps because he has no food at home. The only other prepared person I know in Houston is my aunt. She's got food.

So, I've still got a mild case of POD envy. But I'm sitting in a remarkably undamaged house, surrounded by other homes that didn't fare as well. I didn't lose anything except some leftovers I had in the fridge. I even SAVED money because I coudln't spend my pay for almost a week after I got paid.

I guess you can say POD envy is the only illness I picked up after the storm.

1 comment: said...

Sorry about the "POD envy," but I thought this was a big positive thing:
"I meet fascinating people, see interesting sights, and get plenty of motivation to stick to my low-carb diet. So far I've lost just under 46 pounds. That's a lot of lard!"

That's great. Congratulations.