Sunday, March 2, 2025

I work for the Lord

 First day off in a week, my only day off for another 5 days, brutal headache.  

Screw you, headache.  I'm getting it all done anyway.

I don't know how, but I'll do it.  

That was interesting, I was walking to the bus stop with my handcart and passed under some oak trees.  I am violently allergic to pretty much all Houston Tree Pollen, especially oak.  I began sneezing violently and the headache vanished!  

The store wasn't too bad.  I had a sponsor send me kid's Bibles AND a check "For candy or whatever".  You know I was going to spend it!  I got $15 worth of candy at work.  I got $40 worth of candy today.  I forgot to get ziplocks but I am OK for a bit.  I also got some outreach stuff.  

I don't like to talk about what I do.  I have said in the past, when I get picked up from the grocery store I like to provide a hearty snack for the driver, something to drink and eat, one of my evangelism candy bags.  I generally get the same driver going both ways that applied today as well.  

I got pretty good at profiling people on what snacks they'd like, so I can look at an older guy and say 'Nacho Doritos and a Coke" or a younger person and say 'Hot chips and a bottle of water".  I had her profiled as one of those super-healthy-I-don't-eat-candy types.  So I got her some fruit.  It was NOT expensive this is a budget grocery.  A cold bottle of water, the candy.  

She almost cried when I gave it to her and explained "They call me the candy lady but you look like a healthy eater so I got that, I did put some chocolate in there, though" she said "Oh, I love chocolate" started rooting around in the bag (they all do) and thanked me.  

If I'm going to bring the Gospel I need to bring the Gospel.  With love, respect, and care.  That's my job!

Walmart pays the bills but I work for the Lord.  

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