I still had the migraine yesterday.
I left the house wearing my "Cat Lady" ball cap which was very helpful for keeping the sun out of my eyes. My first bus was late and I had to run for my second bus.
When I got on I heard a voice saying "It's about time! I don't have time to wait on you! I've got places to be!" It was a homeless man who begs in front of my store. I was dying to say something like "I'm going to work to pay taxes so you get your entitlements and you're going to spend all the money you make begging on drugs and alcohol" but I didn't. I just ignored him. But he's not getting any more candy.
Speaking of candy I handed some out to a police officer (he looked very stressed but was standing around waiting on something) recently, also lots of bus drivers of course, and my bank all the ladies there. I thought it was interesting, I was at the window doing my business and counted the tellers, handed that over, she said "Oh Mary is coming in an hour can we get one for her?" of course!
A sponsor sent me money for candy "or whatever" so I bought a huge sack yesterday at work. That's why I was at the bank, putting in the check.
After the bank my appetite suddenly came back and I realized I was better, so I got some lunch. That held me all night. Everyone was thrilled I was going to be working tonight. That's good to know they appreciate having me around.
I also did more of the job everyone hates, the person who reports to my boss came by several times and "caught" me doing it. She was very pleased. You don't have to tell me what to do, tell me what you expect, once and that's all I need.
Another employee has been dumping work on me - I already did a lot of her work and got her caught up, now she is hiding it, letting it pile up again, and tried to dump it on me again via a third party. I told her no. I also notified the boss who is "Going to deal with it". I am fine helping out with a few things now and then but I'm not doing your job for you.
She had been coming around our area for a while and I told the team lead she was talking to, "This woman is bipolar, you're going to have trouble with her" and was told to MYOB. OK. Now you have her, and a mess on your hands, just like I said. It was not my boss' call to hire her someone else did.
I got some shoes after work, a red pair and a tan/white/orange pair. My old shoes are OK but they generally don't last very long. A basic pair of shoes is good for about 3-4 months. I walk miles a day in those shoes, stand and walk for 12 hours at a time, that adds up. What I'm doing now with the insoles is working. I'll put up a post tomorrow.
I really like the people I work with and almost all of my customers. That is a good place.
I'm going to get more candy tomorrow. It is nice to have a good budget for that.
I gave my boss some of her favorite candy (since I didn't have to spend "my" money on evangelism I spent some of it on her) and told her "This is yours you don't have to share it!" She was like a little kid, it was adorable. She has a hard job, God has given me a tremendous amount of insight and empathy for her.
All the regulars are getting their hours cut; my hours increased slightly to 33.5. I think that's positive. I have split days off the next couple weeks but I figure God has drivers for me to outreach. I'm OK with that.
That's it for now!