Saturday, November 21, 2009

How I do it

I'm fully medicated so I might not be clear and concise. However, that's just the price tag of being medicated.

I was thinking today about the time I spend with God - how I do it, how I manage it... where I rise and fall.
First, let me introduce you to my tools.
My pocket size NKJV Bible - it has a read your Bible in a year plan in the back. It is very well loved, waterstained, and marked up. I have a simple cover, index cards with Bible verses, and other items stuffed into the carry pockets.
"Read your Bible in a Year" tract
"Morning and Evening" devotions by Charles Spurgeon
A few rather sad paperback books; picked up at thrift stores:
The One Year Book of Bible Readings; based on the Living Bible "To my friend Kirk, Love Beth"
and Daily Light from the Bible KJV "To my Grand-daughter Tasha, Read this book daily, it will give you the strength that you need to face the many different challenges that are a part of everyday life" - after reading that flyleaf inscription, I had to buy it. It is a cherished family member.

NIV hardback One-Year Bible - it is about 5x7. I bought it with Christmas money from Grandma.
God's Daily Promises, NLT-

First thing in the morning, I get up. I pray, asking God to give me a clear head to understand what He wants to show me for the day. I also ask Him to take care of "them" - them encompassing a wide gamut. I read the morning reading from Morning & Evening; and Daily Light from the Bible (they each have an AM & PM portion). I read the other devotions - just one per day. I read the Old Testament part of the One-Year Bible.

During the day, I read the portion from the NKJV Bible I carry, the section in the back, and the chapters from the "Read Your Bible in a Year" tract. I usually cover that spot waiting on a ride of some sort; but if the trips are good I may miss it. Still working on that - I do like having some Biblical Meat at the bus stop.

I pray whenever I feel led to pray. It often isn't very articulate, but the Bible says the Holy Spirit can work through us. I envision myself opening a channel to God, and focusing strongly. If I have a request, I make it. I try to be very thankful for all the good things, and I will often phrase it like that: Thank you for all the good things in my life. When I urinate, I even thank God for healthy kidneys!

In the evening, I cover the evening portions of my books, the NT/Psalms portion of the One-year Bible, and re-read the daily devotions for the other books.

I forgot to mention I often light incense when I am at home, praying and doing my Bible study. It makes the experience more pleasant. I am well aware God doesn't need a ritual, but I enjoy it.

I give God the good times if at all possible, my medication causes a serious IQ drop. I do my best to focus my energies, the best of Heather, on Him and he often allows that healthy energy to carry on into my other activities.

The more time I spend with God, the closer I feel to Him. I feel the time spent makes me a better child of His, a better wife, and a better all-around human being. Time well spent!

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